Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sorry its taken us so long to update everyone on the blog site about the sex of the baby. Being home with our families is so much fun and relaxing. Hope everyone's Christmas was wonderful and we wish you a Happy New Year. We will post pictures of my growing belly when we get home next Sunday.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Evan and I are super excited to go home for Christmas. We haven't seen my family since the wedding and Evan's family since Labor day weekend. Thought I would post another cute picture of Evan and our first baby. Who knew you could love a dog so much. She is just like a human, so loving and cuddly, at times. Thought I better show off the new car, it is a 2008 Ford Fusion. We love it! We are already fighting on who gets to drive it. Although, its opposite, neither one of us want to drive because we are scared that something bad will happen to it. We try real hard to keep it new, it still smells like a new car and its been almost 4 weeks already. Well again Happy Holidays, hope everyone's Holiday is as good as ours.
Merry Christmas
I am almost half way through my pregnancy and am finally starting to feel better. I can now enjoy my pregnancy. I started to feel the baby kick and move this week and even Evan can feel him/her move. We think its pretty neat! It's definitely worth all the morning sickness. Grandma Donna sent another blanket this week, and of course, its super cute. Who knows how she finds the time to do all of them. On Tuesday the 18th we have our ultrasound that reveals the sex, we are so excited to finally find out what we are having. We are keeping it a secret from our families until Christmas Eve, we then will post it sometime later in the week to let everyone else know. Until then MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Just writing to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday. Evan and I didn't get to spend it with our families but got invited out to a friends house with her family. So we did have a nice Thanksgiving feast.
More gifts
Evan brought home flowers as a surprise for me one day after a 12 hour shift. Sure put a smile on my face! So to surprise him, I bought him our first gift! So cute, huh! Grandma Donna is already spoiling him/her. She sent another homemade blanket with a little onesie. We are already getting quite a collection. I can't wait to find out the sex so we can spoil the baby.
Belly pic
It's been awhile since we have taken a belly pic. Since Evan and I have noticed my belly has gotten larger we decided to update you all. My hips are like non-existent, its still kind of hard to deal with my body metamorphising. I should start to feel the baby move here in a couple weeks so maybe then I will be proud of my belly.
ultrasound pics 2

I finally got a chance to scan in the ultrasound pics. I still can't believe that baby is in my tummy. It has started to grow more, but I haven't really popped yet! Enjoy the baby pics! More to come Dec. 18th when we are to find out the sex of the baby.:o)
Monday, November 12, 2007
Tough days
Sorry I haven't written in like 2 weeks. I still have not been feeling good, at all! I had a regular Dr. visit on Oct. 30, in which all they did was listen to baby's heart tones with a doppler and weigh me. It is so amazing to hear that fast heartbeat and to know its really in your belly. I have not gained any weight since my last checkup due to my frequent dates with the toilet. My doctor finally prescribed me some medicine so I could stop throwing up. It helps a little bit, I am still pretty nauseated! Then on Nov. 7 I got into a car accident. Stupid drivers! It wasn't my fault, I am ok but my car is totaled. I then had to go in the next day to make sure baby was ok considering I was going 65mph when I was hit. I got to have another ultrasound which was amazing. I don't have it scanned into the computer yet, but I am working on it. Baby is fine! I still have no belly, although at night it is quite large because of my many meals a day. I will update again as soon as I get the ultrasound picture scanned in, hopefully by the end of this week. I will also try to update weekly depending on my busy shedule.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Our week 10/22-10/28
Evan and Madison are big Browns fans as you can see! They can't wait until Sunday's so they can cheer on their team. Evan had a good week, no classes for him. For those of you that don't know he is getting his MBA. It's easy for him but he hates all the homework. I continued to have nausea and vomiting, but this is the 12th week so the 1st trimester is done with. Hopefully I start to feel a little better. The positive thing in my life is that I got my leadership position in labor and delivery. That means I have to complete 192 hours on the floor. I am loving it! I don't think I am ever going to want to actually have this baby though! I have learned that drugs are good and they were invented for a reason. Hopefully the upcoming weeks get better for me as well as my little family.
My best friend Chrissy sent us an edible image one weekend after she discovered I was still pretty sick. She is right, I am pretty miserable and that definitely cheered me up. A card would have been just fine too, though! It was the thought that counted. It was so pretty though, we didn't even want to eat. I actually devoured it all before Evan even got a chance at it. The baby needed it:o)Grandma Donna also sent the baby's first present. It was a hand made baby blanket with the most adorable socks. The baby is going to love it! Thanks bunches mom!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Alright I have a little belly and I am not to proud of it. It seems way to early, right? I am 10 weeks! I can still fit into my pants but there tight and not very comfortable on my upset stomach. Let's remember too that this was at night after many meals and snacks. :o) Evan is not too sympathetic, he just keeps telling me to get over it, I'm pregnant!
Ultrasound pic.

Thought we needed this perfect picture to help personalize our site. Still feeling pretty crappy, but whenever I feel down I just look at this picture and it makes me smile.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
We're having a Baby!
We are so excited to become the proud parents of a healthy boy or girl. Of course, Evan wants a boy and I kind of would like to stay away from another little Crystal. But, in all reality we just want a healthy baby. 

1st post
This is my first post! Getting to know the system is exciting and kinda difficult. I'll do my best to include all Evan and Crystal's thoughts. Feel free to leave me a comment whenever you feel like it.
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