Well the Lindahl family is still surviving, we were a little nervous considering we're new parents. Crystal has been struggling with breastfeeding but otherwise she is doing great, well a lack of sleep doesn't help but I am doing better than I thought I would with just a few hours of sleep at night. Although, Ella for the most part sleeps through the night. I have to wake her for her feedings and than she quickly and quietly falls back to sleep. Still being checked for her jaundice, I haven't heard from the Dr. today yet but we were happy yesterday because it didn't raise to much. So we're hoping and praying for the best! I am looking forward to my sister and my mom visiting in just 3 days, I sure need some good home cooking. :o) I am so thankful Evan has the whole week off, he has been wonderful. So look forward to frequent postings, well at least I will do my best to post frequently so you all can watch little Ella grow. Well take care!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Day 4
Well the Lindahl family is still surviving, we were a little nervous considering we're new parents. Crystal has been struggling with breastfeeding but otherwise she is doing great, well a lack of sleep doesn't help but I am doing better than I thought I would with just a few hours of sleep at night. Although, Ella for the most part sleeps through the night. I have to wake her for her feedings and than she quickly and quietly falls back to sleep. Still being checked for her jaundice, I haven't heard from the Dr. today yet but we were happy yesterday because it didn't raise to much. So we're hoping and praying for the best! I am looking forward to my sister and my mom visiting in just 3 days, I sure need some good home cooking. :o) I am so thankful Evan has the whole week off, he has been wonderful. So look forward to frequent postings, well at least I will do my best to post frequently so you all can watch little Ella grow. Well take care!
Monday, April 28, 2008
First day at home
We made it home last night (Sunday) at about 7:30pm. It was good to get here and introduce Ella to her room and the apartment. Madi is glad we are back and is very interested in the new baby. She follows us around and tries to get some sniffs of Ella whenever she gets the chance. I think she knows she has to be gentle and will be very good with her. The first night at home went well, Ella woke up twice feed, but slept well other than that. We had to get up early to take her to the pediatrician this morning already to get her blood taken. She is getting a little bit of jaundice and the doctor wants to keep a close eye on the level. It was slightly elevated today, so we have an appt again for tomorrow. The doctor assured us it isn't too serious, its just important to make sure the levels do not increase too much. If it continues to increase, we'll get a special blanket to keep her wrapped in that should help. We'll keep the blog updated with any news we get, but otherwise the Lindahl family is doing well. Hope all is well with everyone else.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Baby Ella is born
Baby Ella has arrived! Still in the hospital so not able to upload pictures, but will do so hopefully tomorrow, if not the next day. She was born Saturday, April 26 at 1:39am. Labor went smoothly and we have a healthy beautiful baby girl. She has many of daddy's features and has a head full of dark brown hair. She weighed 7 Ibs 4 oz. and 20 in. long.We still can't believe she is ours to take home, we are doing well with her but hopefully it continues to go well. Will update soon, just wanted ya all to know she has entered our world.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Belly pics
So, still pregnant! I am getting so ready though to deliver this baby! I have not really been feeling well, really tired and a little nauseated. As you can see my last pictures have been taken in sweatpants. I do not get all dolled up if I don't have to, especially considering my lack of energy. Can you believe how much my belly resembles a basketball. It just keeps growing upwards, kinda weird but I enjoy how round it is and still no stretch marks so I'm ok with it. So we booked flights for my mom and my sister Janelle this week. So, they tell me I cannot have this baby till next week sometime closer to the time of there arrival, which is May 3rd. Well I hate to say it but if it happens earlier I will be thrilled. Lets just hope she's not the size of a toddler:o)so by the time they do arrive she will still be just a little thing. Well hope all is well with everyone else. I will post next weekend again and if anything exciting happens in between. So be watching, I have a feeling I may go within the next week, although maybe its just wishful thinking, who knows! Take care.
Monday, April 14, 2008
So were getting to the end of the belly pictures. I still will be taking them every week depending on my status. I truly feel like miss Ella is getting eager to enter the world. I have not been feeling to well lately, it doesn't help I have a little cold. I just feel really tired and am honestly sick of being pregnant, I can't even put on socks without getting contractions and they hurt. But, I go to the Dr. again tomorrow, so far I am still progressing but she still thinks I can make it another 3 weeks. We'll see! So enjoy the belly pictures and take care!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Dr. Appt
We now have weekly appointments. This week we talked more about the delivery considering it will soon be approaching. The Dr. is hopeful that I will make it to my due date, which is May 4th. She thinks I will at lease last 3 more weeks which will be ok also because school will be coming to an end. We are so excited for her that all we want is her here, but I must certainly finish school first. I just hope the time flies by. Anyways I thought I would post another belly shot, many of my friends said I popped this week again. Spring is here is Columbus and we love it! Hopefully it will be come to ND soon too. Hope all is well with everyone.
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