So our baby girl is growing up fast. We found out at her 1 month checkup that she is already 10lbs 6.5 oz and 22.5 in, which she is in the 75-95 percentile for her weight. But the dr. said it was good so no worries. I guess we know she getting ample amounts of food. Ella does have lots of problems with gas. The dr. was surprised as to how distended her little tummy was. She just said to try gas drops, which don't seem to work that well. So she now spends a lot of time on her tummy trying to aleviate her gas problems. All else went well, no shots yet those come next month. Hopefully Evan will be able to make it to those ones. I have a feeling I will also be crying. :o) Are time is quickly coming to end with the Lindahls. They leave on Sunday. I know they are not ready to leave baby Ella, although they probably never will be. The hardest thing is that we don't know when the next time will be. Ella is going to miss everyone as she will not be held and handled as much. Well hope all is well with everyone. I will write again soon!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
1 month checkup
So our baby girl is growing up fast. We found out at her 1 month checkup that she is already 10lbs 6.5 oz and 22.5 in, which she is in the 75-95 percentile for her weight. But the dr. said it was good so no worries. I guess we know she getting ample amounts of food. Ella does have lots of problems with gas. The dr. was surprised as to how distended her little tummy was. She just said to try gas drops, which don't seem to work that well. So she now spends a lot of time on her tummy trying to aleviate her gas problems. All else went well, no shots yet those come next month. Hopefully Evan will be able to make it to those ones. I have a feeling I will also be crying. :o) Are time is quickly coming to end with the Lindahls. They leave on Sunday. I know they are not ready to leave baby Ella, although they probably never will be. The hardest thing is that we don't know when the next time will be. Ella is going to miss everyone as she will not be held and handled as much. Well hope all is well with everyone. I will write again soon!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
1 month
Ella is already 1 month old. Although, it actually does seem like it has been a month, and I am anxiously awaiting for my baby girl to sleep through the night. Hopefully that does happen! I have enjoyed every minute of my baby girl. So I have been busy visiting with the Lindahl family. Haven't done to much, but today we went shopping and Ella did wonderful. She has had some late nights, so we are trying to keep her up throughout the day. It's been a challenge. I never know how the night will go. As you can see in the pictures, Ella is wearing her cute jeans again and also her first pair of shoes. They are pumas from her Uncle Jon and Aunt Alana. SO CUTE! Also Ella is lying under her new playmat from her cousin Jennie, she is a little young but day by day she is becoming more alert. I think she's really going to enjoy it. Ella's 1 month check-up is tomorrow, I'm excited to see how much she's grown. I will let you know as soon as I can.
Friday, May 23, 2008
In laws visit
So the part of the Lindahl clan arrived on Wednesday. Mary has not let go of the baby and other family are coming so she is going to be spoiled after everyone leaves. She is doing wonderful and her double chin seems to be growing so she is definitely getting adequate nutrition. We haven't done anything to exciting, still hesitant to take her out much. Tried out the swing a couple more times, she seems to like it for awhile. She growing fast and is almost a month old already. Hope all is well with everyone. Take care and will update soon.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Mom's Gone
So today mom flew out, it was definitely hard to see her leave. I have gotten used to all her help. It was super amazing to have someone caring for Ella and I like that. We're both gonna miss her! Anyways we had a wonderful 2 weeks together. Of course, we didn't do much considering I didn't want to take Ella out too often. I did take mom shopping twice. I know she was just itching to go, although Ella was fussy so I had to hold her most of the time. Kind of limited my shopping but thats alright we weren't shopping for me anyways. So Ella has experienced her first shopping adventure and didn't enjoy it too much, I know soon though she will like it. She has also had her first real bath and she hated it, she cried so hard! I think I was almost crying. Mom showed us a few new techniques to try, as you can see putting her on her belly really calms her. Actually she has a lot of gas and mom says that helps with gas, it seems to be helping. So gotta go Ella is screaming, I'll try to post again soon. Take care
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Professional Pics
Your recent Olan Mills Portraits are now available for viewing on the
Olan Mills Portraits Online website. You can log in to see them with
the information below at
Order Number: 2266181664
Last Name: LINDAHL
Photo Date: 5/2/2008
Here is the information for our portraits online. Enjoy!
Olan Mills Portraits Online website. You can log in to see them with
the information below at
Order Number: 2266181664
Last Name: LINDAHL
Photo Date: 5/2/2008
Here is the information for our portraits online. Enjoy!
Happy Mothers Day
I waited to post until Mothers Day so that I could wish all you moms a Happy Mothers Day. Our day has been pretty uneventful, Evan wanted to take us all (mom,me,and Ella) out for brunch but the weather here was too cold and rainy so I decided it was best we just stay in. Kind of dissapointed Evan, since he wanted to do something nice for us. But, after his trip to the library he is picking us up supper, so that is just as good. We sent Nellie home on Saturday and it was hard to see her leave, baby Ella will miss her and so will Madison. On Friday I participated in the pinning ceremony through our college of nursing. It was nice to have mom and Nellie there to help me celebrate. I decided not to walk through the graduation ceremony on Saturday but did end up graduating with honors (Honor society & Magna cum laude. So that was a big accomplishment. My life is totally changing and so far it has been amazing. I hope to continue posting pictures of Ella often but our computer is having issues so we are working on getting a new one. Some days it works and others it doesn't! So sorry if I can't post as often, at least now you will understand why. Have a wonderful Mother's Day.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Bundle of Joy
Everything is going wonderful with the new Lindahl family. Ella still does ok at night with the exception of last night. She was up every 3 hours instead of every 4 hours so I was up 3 times instead of 2 times. The lack of sleep is the hardest thing to adjust to, hopefully it gets a little easier. Mom and Nellie have been a blessing; cooking, cleaning, and picking up after us. We haven't done much outside the house considering we don't want little Ella exposed to too many germs. Bath times have been fun, Ella doesn't like them to much. I think she just doesn't like to be cold. Auntie Hopie, Ella is wearing your cute duckie outfit, it actually fit her perfectly and she looked so cute in it. Mom and Nellie had bought her the duckie slippers on there way out here. They are way to big for her though. As you can see mom and Nellie are thoroughly enjoying her. Well things are going great, hopefully everyone is enjoying all the pictures, there are definitely more to come. Take care!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
So Nellie and mom made it safely to Ohio yesterday. It has been so nice having them here and yes Ella has been in there arms for the most part. They have been so much help already, cooking and getting groceries and letting mommy sleep a little longer. I have 2 tests left that will complete my undergraduate career, I am super excited, although, I haven't had much time to study so wish me luck. Evan has to go back to work tomorrow so he is not looking forward to that. He has enjoyed his time with his wife and new baby girl. Baby Ella is not jaundiced anymore so no more worries with that. She is still sleeping and eating well. Evan and I took her to get family portraits taken on Friday. It's early but she's only little one time and I know they grow up so fast. I just want to cherish every moment I can. There will be a website with the pictures we took and will provide that when they are up, should be within the next 5 days. I hope all is well with everyone else! Take care!
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