Ella had her first dip in the pool on Saturday. We thought it wouldn't last long, but she actually enjoyed it. I guess it wasn't to big of a surprise because she loves bath time. The pool actually was very cold so we didn't go to deep and didn't stay too long, but she didn't cry once. She has become kind of challenging the past couple days. I can't figure out what she wants. When she gets overtired she cries in any position you try to hold her in. So, I end up just putting her down in her bed and letting her cry. I feel awful! Hopefully I figure her out. Hope everyone has a wonderful long labor day weekend. No big plans for us, maybe just an outdoor movie one night and more pool time if its warm enough. Take care!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Swim time
Ella had her first dip in the pool on Saturday. We thought it wouldn't last long, but she actually enjoyed it. I guess it wasn't to big of a surprise because she loves bath time. The pool actually was very cold so we didn't go to deep and didn't stay too long, but she didn't cry once. She has become kind of challenging the past couple days. I can't figure out what she wants. When she gets overtired she cries in any position you try to hold her in. So, I end up just putting her down in her bed and letting her cry. I feel awful! Hopefully I figure her out. Hope everyone has a wonderful long labor day weekend. No big plans for us, maybe just an outdoor movie one night and more pool time if its warm enough. Take care!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
So sorry its been so long since I've updated. Nothing to write about right before we left and I didn't want to take the time with moms dial up to update them from the house. So vacation was fun and the baptism couldn't have been more perfect. Ella's first plane ride went smoothly. She slept and was quiet the whole way home, but by the time we met grandma and grandpa Lindahl she was overtired and was sick of being held. She was quite crabby. Grandma Mary had to wait till the next morning to hold her and love her. Kind of hard for her! We finally made it home on Sunday after stopping in Fargo to visit with close friends and relatives. Trying to juggle our schedule so that each set of grandparents got Ella the same amount was tricky and kind of stressful but I overall I think it went well. We stayed with my mom Sunday and Monday, the Lindahl's Tues-Thurs. and than back to my parents Fri-Sun.
Monday: Grandma Donna had invited many girlfriends to come and meet Ella so that day went pretty quickly. It was fun though!
Tuesday: Great-grandma Evelyn came to visit with family from Fort Dodge, IA. Actually 4 kids, my cousin, and my aunt came. It was a great day. The little girl is only 1 and that is the cousin I get all the hand me downs from. But on that she was still wearing a 3-6 month outfit. Hopefully she starts growing so we can continue to get her clothes.
Wednesday: Both Grandparents were busy on Wednesday with work so we just showed Ella off downtown. Evan's great-grandparents were there so we spent some time with them. They thougherly enjoyed her.
Thursday: We were at the Lindahl's so grandma enjoyed every moment with her. Grandma Donna and Auntie Nellie and Uncle Tom stopped by the Lindahl's to say hello and visit awhile. Evan's aunt and uncle were there also so it was a busy day of visiting.
Friday: Auntie Hope and her cousins CJ and Savi came home on Friday so we went out to my house around the time they got home. We had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows that night. We were up late waiting for Uncle Brett and Aunt Ashley to get home. Evan and I didn't make it though we had to go to bed.
Saturday: The entire Vondal clan went into the Lindahl's to celebrate Great-grandma's 80th birthday. It was fun that we were all together. Aunt Alana and her parents showed up later that evening so we got enjoy their prescence.
Sunday: Our last day. The baptism turned out to be perfect. She was good in church and was quiet while the pastor poured water over her head and she smiled when the pastor was blessing her. We then had a picnic in the park while our families mingled.
We arrived home today without luggage. Hopefully within the next 24 hours they arrive, good thing everything valuable we carried. Overall our vacation was exciting. Ella tried rice cereal for the first time while at home so our families could be part of that first. She did real well, gagged a little! She was a happy girl other than being overtired from traveling. Everyone enjoyed her! We miss everyone so much already and can't wait to visit again.
Pictures: She is with Uncle Tom sleeping in the rocking chair, Auntie Hope put her in the plaid baby doll crib (she liked it). The one with us four girls is our 4 generation picture. Her godparents are (left: Jon and Alana and Right: Brett and Ashley).
Monday, August 4, 2008
Almost time to go home
We are all super excited to leave this Saturday for the big CANDO. We miss everyone and Ella sure misses her grandma's. :o) I had a busy weekend so daddy took care of Ella all day Saturday and a few hours of Sunday. I had to get recertified for CPR and I also picked up some hours at my old job, so I was gone all day. Then, on Sunday I went to a friends bridal shower. It was nice to get away but I sure did miss her. Evan did really well with her but she was a little fussy and wouldn't nap so the day ended up being really long for him. Hopefully she just had a bad day because when we return home I will be working as an RN in home health and daddy will be watching her more frequently. I am staying with Katie's and will work every Wed and Fri. evenings from 5-9 and every other Saturday. I also will pick up some overnights here and there. It works perfect for us because then we won't ever need a babysitter.
In the pictures: the one with her and Madison daddy took. Evan likes for the two girls to spend lots of time together. He's hoping it will make Madi more relaxed with Ella.
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