So lots has happened in the last week. We took some cute little portraits ourself this weekend. Although, she wasn't very smiling they turned out great. We also set up her high chair because she is sitting up pretty well by herself. She likes to sit in it and looks forward to oatmeal and bananas in the morning. We also started her on sweet potatoes, her favorite thus far. Carrots are going well but peas still not so great. Also, today we just bought her a little jumper. We have wanted to get her a little exercauser but they are kind of spendy and only go up to 25 pounds, well knowing her she could be 25 pounds in 3 weeks. So, we bought a less expensive jumper. We just tried it out for the first time tonight. She seemed to like it, I think with time she'll like it even more. As you can see she has also found her toes, and loves to play with them, no sucking them yet, though! She continues to amaze us. We love her so much and look forward to more firsts.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Busy Week
So lots has happened in the last week. We took some cute little portraits ourself this weekend. Although, she wasn't very smiling they turned out great. We also set up her high chair because she is sitting up pretty well by herself. She likes to sit in it and looks forward to oatmeal and bananas in the morning. We also started her on sweet potatoes, her favorite thus far. Carrots are going well but peas still not so great. Also, today we just bought her a little jumper. We have wanted to get her a little exercauser but they are kind of spendy and only go up to 25 pounds, well knowing her she could be 25 pounds in 3 weeks. So, we bought a less expensive jumper. We just tried it out for the first time tonight. She seemed to like it, I think with time she'll like it even more. As you can see she has also found her toes, and loves to play with them, no sucking them yet, though! She continues to amaze us. We love her so much and look forward to more firsts.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Special visitors
Last weekend we had friends from college visit from Minnesota. Evan's best friend Steve and his wife Nichole. They only were here 1 day but it was a fun day! It worked out real well, because I worked all day on Sunday so I didn't miss anything. We went shopping and ate out. Ella was a very good baby the entire time, I was very proud of her. I don't think she even cried once. I haven't updated for awhile again, sorry. We actually lost cable and internet connections on Sunday due to strong winds (75mph) from hurrican Ike. People are even still without power. Ella still has giggled much, I am still waiting! We are now eating carrots as you can see, she doesn't mind them but likes her oatmeal and bananas more. No other exciting news with us. Oh, I did find out I am going to make it home for the holidays. Pretty siked about that one! We will be able to be home for about 2 weeks. Can't wait!
In the pics: Ella is definitely more aware of her surroundings. She was hanging on for dear life on top of Evans shoulders. He said his head hurt after from her pulling his hair so much. She likes the paper, actually she likes to eat the paper. :o)
Friday, September 5, 2008
4 month Appt.
So today was the big day. I was excited to see how much she's grown. She is only 16.1lbs and 26.5 in. I was expecting her to weigh more, she definitely feels heavier than that. She, of course, cried and fussed quite a bit there with them poking and proding her. But, since I have been giving tylenol she hasn't been fussy at all. It's a lot better than last time. We got the ok to start more foods, vegetables! Yippee, doesn't peas sounds appetizing. I'm sure she will do lots of gagging. Otherwise everything went well. She now is at 95-97 percentile for both her weight and length. So growing wonderfully! Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Real World
So mommy has finally entered the real world and has to go to work. This is why it has taken me so long to update. I am sorry! I have been called into work more than I was scheduled due to people sick and vacation time. So, I have been filling in the overnight position. Which is from 9p-7a. But remember I work in a home with 3 handicap children. At nights I am in charge of all 3 and they are sleeping, so that means that I can usually rest and maybe catch a few hours of sleep in between meds and frequents assessing of all of them. So, it hasn't been that bad! Still overly tired but I can deal with it for now. Especially since those are not my normal hours. I am scheduled for every Wed. and Fri. nights just from 5-9 and every other Sat. from 7a-9p. It works out perfect for us. Ella never has to go to a babysitter, so we save lots of money.
Since updating last we haven't done to much more. Been in the pool once more, still doesn't know what to think of it. But, doesn't hate it! It's just been so hot out here. We are all ready for fall! Last night a friend from school whom I was pregnant with came over with her little boy. They are only 6 days apart. Ella for some reason was kind of crabby most of the night. She didn't know what to think of different people in our house. By the end of the night she was smiling more and more interactive with Aiden. I think she is just used to her mommy and daddy and thats it. I know its not a good thing but we don't know too many people and the people we know are all too busy or young. So we will do our best to have her around different people so she doesn't play strange. I had a good night, hanging out with another mommy. We obviously have so much in common.
Tomorrow is our 4 month check-up, which is exciting but not. I am interested to know exactly how much she has grown but I do not want to experience the shots again. But, its reality! Daddy is going to come again to help mommy out so that will be good and we will also premedicate her. Hopefully that will help a little. I will update tomorrow or this weekend sometime letting you all know about her results.
In the pics: Ella in her swing drooling, she has been doing a lot of that lately! Ella on daddy's shoulders, you can't see her mouth but you can obviously tell she is smiling and loves it. The first two are of Aiden and her, figuring each other out! So cute, huh!
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