We had a wonderful time in Boston, touring the city and visiting relatives. Ella did wonderful traveling- she didn't mind the airplane at all. In fact, she slept and looked out the window on most of the flights. We got in Thursday and didn't do too much, just tried to get settled in. Friday, we went into the city to look around, we did some of the Freedom Trail and saw some historic statues and sites.
Evan wanted to get to the Sam Adams brewery so that was one of our first stops. He enjoyed himself, only because he got lots of free beer. The brewery was surprisingly very small.
We then went to Quincy Market, a shopping center by the port. Next, we walked farther to an Italian district to eat some authentic Italian food. The restaurant we ate at was very little, it probably could only hold 25 people. The food was amazing though!
Me posing with Red Aeurbach- the coach of the Celtics when they won all their NBA titles.
Ella with Peter Pan- no j/k it my cousin Ryan watchin over her.
Finally, Evan and I went to the Red Sox game while Ella went home with my cousins Carla and Jacob. I was a little nervous leaving her (like always) mostly because she was so overtired. She did very well though, so I had nothing to worry about. Although, I was so exhausted from walking around all day with little sleep in the 95 degree weather. Plus, we had standing room only tickets, I would have done anything for a seat. I did sit on the cement and watch the game on tv for quite awhile just so I could rest. It certainly doesn't help being 11 weeks pregnant.
On Saturday we went to Jacob's little league game which was very fun for us but it was freezing out, then we had the rest of our family over to BBQ. We had fresh lobster, which Evan had never tried. He liked it! We then went to the beach to see the ocean- it was too cold though to put our feet in.
Sunday- We went closer into the city to go to my aunt and uncles to have breakfast and than went to more little league games. It was fun! Although, after leaving the little league games I got really sick, throwing up. I thought it was just pregnancy issues but I was sick all night long. I think I was just so overtired and exhausted. We watched movies in the evening and rested.
Monday- we went to a little parade and went home to pack and than to the airport we went. We got home around 7:30 which gave us enough time to get Ella ready for bed and unpack to welcome more family.
Grandma and Grandpa Lindahl and Uncle Grant arrived around 9pm. It is so nice to see them, we actually haven't seen them since Christmas. So Ella has changed drastically since they last have seen her, of course, the webcam helps keep up with her changes but it still is not the same as holding and hugging their little granddaughter. We are looking forward to the week with them.