Eva and Uncle Jon
Ella's OH MY face! Her stuff from Santa.
Grandma Mary bought this too cute dress at the Gap for Eva.
Ella and her baby, they had matching dresses....too cute!
Sorry I haven't posted yet this week. We still have family here and are pretty busy. Ella loves her grandma and is still playing shy around Uncle's and Auntie. I am trying to get a few things accomplised before I am all alone with the girls. We haven't ventured out too much because its cold out and I don't want to take Eva out. We did make it to the mall one day while the boys were in Cleveland at the Browns game and Cavaliers game. We had a very merry Christmas, Ella didn't really understand the whole gift idea. She just wanted to play with the one she opened, she could care less about the ones still wrapped. We thought we better get the video camera out to catch her facials and words but she was boring so that lasted about 2 minutes...maybe next year. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I wish everyone a Happy New Year.