Here's a sneak peak of their Halloween costumes. We had a Halloween party today for the moms club.
Eva crawled under the table than stood up but was stuck so was screaming. I decided to first take a picture than save her.
Ella wearing mommy's spider headband. She was preoccupied with eating so didn't tear it off her head.
The slide was a hit, but she would land on her face each time. It was the funniest thing ever. What a mean mommy!
G&G worked really hard to get Eva to do SO BIG! It worked but it sure is a stuggle to get both arms way up high. Too cute!
We had never been to these caves before, it was amazing and beautiful!
On our way into the caves.
Ella in her underpants (as she would say) and my hat. What a combo. :o)
We had so much fun with G&G Lindahl here and Uncle Grant. We kept busy; Monday G&G and Grant watched the girls while we went house hunting and ran a few errands by ourself. (Thanks- we really appreciated that)! Tuesday we went to Hocking Hills, its so beautiful out here because of all the leaves changing colors. We only went to 1 cave and hiked around for awhile and than had a picnic. We then went to a pumpkin patch/farm after that. We had a great time, the weather was beautiful so that helped. Wednesday we looked at more houses, this time we all went because G&G wanted to see some of the houses too. It was fun! Still unsure where we will be in a couple months. Evan has been referred for 2 jobs in Colorado Springs, so we are praying something comes out of those 2 jobs. That would be awesome! If not Columbus may be our home for a few years. As long as we have a house to call home it may feel like home to us. Thursday Evan had to go back to work and I spent the entire day shopping with a girlfriend. It was sooo much fun! Friday G&G left so they could travel home and have 1 day to relax before going back to school. We thank them so much for visiting and for everything you did for all of us while you were here. Friday I had to work but not the overnight shift because we had a friend from college visit. So he stayed the night and on Saturday him and Evan went to the OSU football game. They had fun! I was also happy I didn't have to go. :o) I worked the overnight on Saturday night and Sunday we cleaned up a little and went to the park. The weather has been perfect, so trying to take advantage of it. Not liking the fact that it gets dark so early and daylight savings time has not yet happened. :o( We hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween.