Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Eva lovin the outdoors!
They're having a tea party!
Ella riding her trike with Eva hangin on for dear life!

Evan put buckets on their head and they left them on, well Ella had to hold hers but Eva's fit just perfectly!

I have been picking up lot of extra shifts just because extra money is always nice and we are leaving for ND for a week on Friday so will miss a couple of shifts. Anyways every naptime I sleep with the girls and take advantage of them sleeping in lately and sleep in myself. They both have been sleeping till around 8 or 830 everyday and Eva has been taking long naps- 2-3 hours. It's really nice! I think she has finally adjusted to 1 nap a day. And last week it was so beautiful out (I got a tan:o)) the girls played outside and tired themselves out so I think they slept longer and obviously harder because Ella wet the bed at night a couple times which hasn't happened in like a year. So I'm hoping that all it is because that's weird! They love being outside! Although this week it is back to rain everyday, very depressing! We keep busy with playdates though! We just recently signed Ella up for T-ball this summer in July and also Vacation Bible School in June, so she is looking forward to those when we return home from ND. Eva will be stuck with me, I guess we get some good bonding time. :o) I love the girls at Eva's age, they're so cute and loveable and huggable! Well wish us happy travels, we return home on May 31st! Happy Graduation to all the graduates out there!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away!

Eva posin for a pic!
Eva is always right beside her sister.
Eva got a new booster seat so she can sit with us at the table. One big happy family now!
Mommy and Eva on Mother's Day at Red Robin.

Ella and daddy!
I was tryin to get some was a beautiful day! Ella took the pic.
Eva playin outside sportin her shades.

The girls watchin tv!

Ella roarin at me like a Lion.
Eva sitting with the big panda bear at the mall.
Ella and Eva riding the zebra with an unknown boy, they liked him though!
It was raining when we went to the mall so the girls used their umbrellas to stay dry. Good thing big sister held Eva's.

So it rains every day here so we are out of things to do. Last week we went to the mall so the girls could play on the animals there. They loved it and so did I! We went to a Cinco De Mayo party with the girls and had a great time. I picked a couple extra shifts up last week so I was busy working. On Sunday for Mother's Day I was a little tired cause I had worked both Friday and Saturday nigths. When I got home there were flowers on the table and a nice card, everyone was still sleeping though. They made me some muffins and we just relaxed most of the day. I took a nap with the girls and then we went out to eat and to the park because for once it wasn't raining. We all had a good time! Not too much new with the girls, just getting bigger everyday. We are all exciting to travel home to ND in 2 weeks for Evan's brothers graduation and to see my dear grandmother Evelyn.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Birthday pics

We found a Scooby-Doo shirt for Ella....and its her favorite!
Ella and Eva playing with some birthday arts.
Scooby-Doo cupcakes...I made them!
and Eva loved them!
Ella's best friend Ava painting her was cute and Ella loved it although half her fingers were blue.
Big hug from Chucky Cheese.
Eva got too close!
Ella playin a game..Eva chillin!
Drivin a car!
Eva riding a rollercoster...she was a little unsure of it! Bounced her around like crazy!
Ella drivin with a guy! She said Hi Guy!
Ella opening her presents from G&G Vondal on her birthday morning....they were both excited to see a present on the table!
There are the rest of the birthday pics...didn't get too many on her party day with her friends but it was just crazy kids running

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ella's 3rd pics

Just uploaded Ella's 3rd pics..will do birthday pics later this week when I get around to it. The pics turned out wonderful, Ella looks like a little model. Eva wasn't havin it but the serious ones turned out cute.

Ella's birthday is officially over after her party this weekend. We celebrated all week so we hopefully she won't expect any cake, surprises, or gifts this week or for awhile. We did have a little celebration last weekend with G&G and then Tues. was her official birthday and we went to Chucky Cheeses, which was her 1st time and she loved it. Eva loved the dancing stuffed animals but not if you got too close. :o) Ella had her 3 year Dr. appt. on Wednesday and it went well. She is in the 95 percentile for height and 90th for length. No shots, so that was nice and she was very well behaved probably related to us playing Dr. at home. She likes to play with my stethoscope and blood pressure very familiar tools used. The Dr. though was concerned about her speech because she had a hard time understanding her. We will just work with her more and hopefully she will become more clearly and if needed put her in some early educational classes, perhaps speech. Although, after this week she can say her name so much progress made. Her party turned out wonderful and most of her friends made didn't rain all day so we were very pleased. We borrowed a bounce house from a friend so the kids had a great time playing outside. I have been so impressed with Eva lately, at recent functions with lots of kids she usually just plays by herself and is compltely fine with that. I just am an onlooker and go to her if she needs me, which is so nice to do. I can't believe how big she's getting...she will not watch tv anymore, maybe because most of the time its Scooby-Doo for Ella and shes not that into it. Who knows she's a busy girl...exploring! Tonight we did a little shopping and I found Ella a Scooby-Doo shirt and she could not wait to get home and put it on...its a little big so its PJ's now and hopefully when it does fit her she won't like it was in the boy section. Not that she can't like anything thats not girlie....I guess! We're all fairly healthy, (girls have colds) and are looking forward to our trip home in the end of May.
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers