Chrissy left on Saturday morning, so it was a quiet day for us. Ella slept a lot and I did lots of laundry. My cousin Theresa has been sending clothes from her little one for Ella so we had a lot of clothes to wash up and put away. I am so thankful for that, it really saves us a lot of money.
My job searching is not going to well, have applied for like 5 jobs and have not heard back from one person. Although, I have been in touch with my old job and they want me as an independent RN so at least I could work there until I find the job of my dreams or move home. They are really flexible and pay good money so it will work until we move home then I could get the job of my dreams. If I did that I wouldn't feel so bad leaving the job of my dreams.
So we went to a REDS baseball game today in Cincinnati. We weren't planning on bringing Ella with considering she is so young but we couldn't find a babysitter so she came along for her 1st baseball game. We already had an outfit for her to wear because they are daddy's favorite baseball team. The bad thing was we had really good seats but since Ella was with we couldn't enjoy them because they were in the sun and it was 85 out with no clouds in the sky. Evan enjoyed the close seats for the first 4 innings and met Ella and I higher up in the shade. Ella did do wonderful so we are proud of her!
The pictures are of Chrissy and Ella and then of the baseball game. As you can see it is a nice stadium and the atmosphere and surroundings make it even more enjoyable. I just love the river and all the boats! In the picture of Ella and I there doesn't look like a lot of people there at all thats because it was in the 8th inning and the REDS were losing 11-0. So, Evan enjoyed his baseball game so I am happy it went well.
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