Sorry no pics from the trip thus far, we forgot our digital camera. I won't miss any memories though, I bought a disposable camera. We arrived on Sunday afternoon, just in time for a Pacers BB game. Aren't I lucky :o) It was alright! Monday, Ella and I did some shopping and got settled into the room. Today its rainy and Ella seems like she might be getting sick. So, unfortunately we decided to stay in all day. It just gets long in a little room. Tonight we will go have drinks and dinner and the hotel, it's free. At least we'll get out a little. Tomorrow we plan to have a big day at the shopping mall. Anyways last week we had another play date with little Aiden. He is now smaller than Ella but moving quicker. He also has 2 little teeth poking out. I don't think Ella is far behind him. She is starting to get on her knees and rock. The babies weren't that interactive, it was kind of surprising. Maybe next time! So we are excited to come home. We are home for a week and than gone again for 2. It will be busy but I am looking forward to it. Let's just pray Ella doesn't get sick.
In the pics: Ella and Aiden are so cute! They even have matching hats. She just got a new big girl carseat, as you can see she likes it.
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