Well we are happy to finally have some fall weather, it still is in the 70's but we have that cool, crisp feeling in the air. It's great! Ella and I stayed busy during the week. Evan has a hard time getting up in the morning so never gets to work early which means he comes home late, around 6p. That leaves Ella and I the whole day to keep busy. As you can see she is frozen in time when the tv- cartoons are on so we try to limit the tv watching. It may not seem like that with all the pictures but she just stays in the most absurb poses. We can't resist taking pictures and I also found out you can do anything to her when she is watching tv; try clothes on, change her diaper, do her hair, and clip her nails. She doesn't move or fuss a bit!
Today is our 1st sunny day in a long while so last week Ella and I went to McDonalds for lunch and to play in playland. She still is pretty little but had a great time playing, I had to catch her and grab her out of there so that we could go. That was the 1st time she played in playland! We also have been going over to visit a friend (Andrea) with 3 kids so that Ella can engage and play with kids her age. She has lots of fun with them and Andrea and I have lots of fun visiting with each other. It's nice to get some adult interaction during the daytime. Ella and made caramel apples this week, she loves to help in anyway. She did a great job unwrapping the caramels, although I think she took little bites out of each one as she threw them into the bowl. Oh well we both had fun making them.
On Friday we took Ella to COSI- a science center here in Columbus. It was family night so a lot cheaper and a lot more packed. It was a hands on center but Ella just stayed in her stroller looking around. She was more than happy there! We also watched a movie there about animals. She enjoyed that, of course, and so did we. It is not a place I would like to visit often. She may think its pretty cool but its way to germy for me, especially now with all this swine flu stuff going on. She was exhausted and fell asleep seconds after getting in the car and pretty much stayed asleep while we got her ready for bed. Not long ago we would have just put her to bed like that because it was hard to get her back to sleep but now she doesn't even wake when undressing her. It's wonderful!
The weekends here are spent relaxing and watching football, Ella doesn't watch that so that's good. We are finding out more and more how much she is like her daddy. As you can see her hair is wild just like daddy's, she is a picky eater who gags just like her daddy, and her favorite food is Pizza Hut breadsticks dipped in sauce just like her daddy. Hopefully she is also smart and talented like her daddy too!
On Sunday which involved more football we played outside in the rain and than when it finally stopped we went to the park for awhile. She has so much more fun when daddy and I are both playing with her.