My belly at 25 weeks.
Ella giving baby a drink.
This is for Uncle Jon... She is the one shoe banddit. :o)
Well we can't believe it's September already, the summer went so fast. We can already feel the fall cool breeze here and I love it. Fall is my favorite time of year so I look forward to it. Evan would say it's because of football but not for me, I like the cool days and the pumpkin patches and corn fields. Well we had a good week! It didn't take long to get back in routine. She loves to be home and so do I. I worked a lot this week so nothing to exciting happened. Although last night, we bought a new couch so I am so excited to finally get new furniture in our place. We have all old stuff because we were planning on moving and just throwing all of our really old stuff away. Well finding a job is tricky in the governement so we are still looking it just might take a little longer than expected. So, since we will be staying in our 2 bedroom and making it work with 2 babies while saving money and the hassle of moving, we decided a new look would be good and much deserved.
Ella is starting to show her nurturing abilities. She only has 1 doll and she likes to carry it around and bring it everywhere now, as you can see in one of the pics- she likes to give it drinks. On Sunday, I worked all day so daddy and her went to the park for awhile. She had lots of fun but is getting very adventurous for her little wobbly self. That reminds me, she fell and bumped her head on the cement again, when do they learn to catch themselves with their hands instead of their heads? Every week its a different bruise on her forehead. Poor baby!
I went to the Dr. today for my last 4 week check-up and did my glucose test. Everything is fine and baby's heartrate is strong. I can't believe I go every 2 weeks already. Although, I did clean the bathroom yesterday and my belly is sure getting in the way. It won't be long until I'm wishing it's all over. :o)
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