Veggin on the my couch eating an apple.

What else is there to do in the house all week! Baking is fun and messy!
Ella came down with a cold so much of last week was spend indoors trying to get better. It was also very cold here so we didn't want to leave the house if we didn't have too. On thursday evening we carved the pumpkins we picked, Ella didn't want to touch the gooey stuff in the middle so she watched us in astonishment as we carved them.

Don't make me touch that!

Evan carved the one on the right, Crystal's is on the left.
We anxiously awaited G&G's arrival on Friday afternoon. We met them at a pizza place for lunch and Ella quickly warmed up to them. I was shocked! She has changed so much since last time we saw them. I think it helps to look at pictures of them, do the webcam, and get spoiled by grandma. Grandma had books on hand so she would warm up to her faster; it worked! I also think she is getting older and just wants more attention and someone to play with her at all times. She definitely got that from G&G. We did a little shopping on Friday and found Ella's winter gear as well as a new pair of shoes. Uncle David- Grandpa Lindahl's brother came up from Tennessee to visit and help cheer on the boys for the marathon. He was here Friday evening when we got back from shopping. He also came armed with presents- in Ella's eyes the best presents; jewlery. :o) She warmed up to him also and played really well with him. I'm sure he just loved to play dress-up!

Uncle David and me.

My new coat, even equipped for ND weather.
Saturday was spend indoors. We had planned on going to another pumpkin farm but it was so cold so we just relaxed at home. Of course, Mary and I went shopping while Ella took a nap.

Relaxing a bit!

Playing on my Dora numbers with all my jewlery from Uncle David.

Daddy, grandpa, and me.

Grandma playing wiht Madi and I.
Sunday was the big marathon day. The boys began running at 7:30 while we continued to sleep until 9:00. We met Uncle David downtown and he helped us get around. We met them at mile 20 and cheered them on and than again at mile 23 and finally the finish line. They said it went really well until around the 15th mile and after that it was all a struggle. They did it though and we were all so proud of them. I really didn't have much faith in Evan as he didn't train as well as he should have but seeing him cross the finish line brought tears to my eyes. He did it! Congrats honey! The rest of the day was spend relaxing, obviously the boys didn't feel like doing anything and since it was Sunday; football was on...so it coudn't have been more perfect.

The shirts they wore before the marathon began!

Waiting for daddy and grandpa to run by!

Almost at the finish line....26 miles later.

Finish line!
Grandma and Grandpa left around 12p on Monday. It was sad to say our goodbyes but it is sure nice knowing it won't be long before we see them again. They plan to be here for Christmas and to spend time with us and the new little one. We had lots of fun and thanks so much grandma and grandmpa for all you did for our family. We love you!