We had such a great/busy weekend. On Saturday Evan and I went to an OSU football game. The weather was perfect and so were are seats. We left Ella with a friend and her kids so she could play and have a good time. We all had a great time on Saturday!
On Sunday I worked all day long and Evan and Ella hung out at home, a relaxing day for all of us.
Evan and Ella sure know how to have fun. :o)
On Monday (Columbus Day) Evan had the day off of work so we went out for coffee/donuts in the morning and than ran to a pumpkin patch in the afternoon. Ella had such a great time! It was inexpensive and we spent the whole afternoon there. There was a petting zoo, corn mazes, sunflower mazes, hay to play on and in and slides to go down, a hayride out to the pumpkin patch, and finally donuts and cider.
That was her 1st time down. I don't think she expected to go that fast, with her sweat pants on she just flew. She loved it though and went down many many times.
Ella's teeth have still not come in but they're working on it. So she still has troubles sleeping depending on the day and her teeth. She is now starting to get a little cold, hopefully that's all it amounts too because we have a busy weekend coming up. G&G Lindahl are coming to visit! :o) We are so excited!
My belly at 31 weeks! I continue to have contractions frequently so I might have to start slowing down or this baby is going to be here very soon.
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