Ella and Eva
We all had a great time in ND but so happy to be home. It was hard on the girls, well Eva. She didn't sleep that well which meant I didn't sleep that well. We stayed at my G&G Vondal's the first week and than went into G&G Lindahl's the next. It worked out great because Evan didn't get into town until the 2nd week. We left May 31st with Evan's Uncle David and Aunt Beckie who brought us as far as Minneapolis. They are travelers so they had their camper with them and we all got to experience camping. It was fun; we had a campfire with smores and played outside. We stayed in Minneapolis 2 nights and caught a ride home with Unlce Jon and Auntie Alana, well actually Devils Lake where G&G Lindahl came and picked us up. It worked out great but was a lot of shuffling. Thanks for everyone who helped us get home, we really appreciated it! We didn't do much except enjoy each other's company. I ran 10 miles on Sunday June 5th to prepare for the Marathon and got real sick. I didn't feel completely better until Friday. It made me really nervous for the marathon but I wasn't going to quit now I had come to far. Training is the hardest part! We did go up to Langdon and Walhalla to visit Great-Grandma's and Great-Grandpa's.
Grandma put Eva in the laundry basket so she could get the laundry done. She didn't want to lose her turn holding Eva.
Eva's reading the paper with grandma.
The girls with Grandma Vondal
4 generations.
G. Lindahl kissin on Eva
Grandpa and all his grandkids
Auntie Hopie and Eva
G&G Lindahl
Uncle Grantie and Eva
We love the Reds
Family pics- Hope took pictures of us to help save us money. Some of them turned out great. Thanks Auntie Hope.
Eva and I
The baptism went wonderfully. Eva was great, she actually fell asleep in church and was sleeping when they poured the water over her head. She woke up on the 3rd pour and just smiled. I was surprised she didn't scream. We had our little after party in the park and even went for a little swim. All the cousins got along great, Ella missed baby Tylie (Tyler) and auntie Hopie the most.
She loved to tease Auntie Hopie.
Grandma Charb and Eva wearing their sunglasses.
Eva wearing her gown and bonnet.
Vondal family
Lindahl family
Sponsors- Auntie Hopie and Unlce Jeff who couldn't make it. Auntie Alana and Unlce Jon.
Parents and Eva
Eva baptism
We left Cando Thursday for Duluth so we could have a resting day before the big run. We did a little site seeing on Friday and visited with Evan's family. We went down by the water and skipped rocks and picked up our racing packets and than went up to Enger Tower. We all got ready for bed early because we had to wake at 3:30am to drive 25 miles to Duluth (We couldn't get hotel rooms in Duluth) to catch a shuttle by 5:00am to make it 13.2 miles away from downtown Duluth. On the ride over I was thinking to myself: What the hell am I doing? Why am I running? I had to pay $85 dollars, I had to wake up in the middle of the night, and I had to run a freakin long distance. Well it went alright, I finished in 2 hours and 19 minutes. Well it surely was an experience and an accomplisment. And it is one I will never do again. Evan and his dad on their own. Good luck guys! :o)
Ella and I up in Enger tower. It wasn't that tall but it sure gave a great view of the city.
Uncle David and Ella up in Enger tower.
A boat going through, the lift bridge is up. It was pretty neat, I've never seen it before; I was amazed.
Us in Duluth by the lift bridge.
Ella and I at the Marathon Expo. by a Kemps cow.
On Sunday we left for home and was in the car for 17 hours. It sucked but the end result was home and it felt so good to be home even if it was 2:30 in the morning. So we did have a great time but I am exhausted and can't wait to get the girls back to a normal routine; one that included much more sleep.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads!
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