Well we got our Christmas tree this weekend and decorated it up, we all had a great time!
Mommy and Ella were napping and daddy was watching football so Eva decided to try to break in to get us. My favorite picture!
Evan's little sidekick.
The girls enjoying our feast.
Evan and Eva on Thanksgiving Day!
Eva's favorite sitting position, especially while watching TV.
Ella got Flat Stanley in the mail from a cousin. It's a little stick man from a storybook who got flattened by a bulliten board and went on lots of adventures. We didn't do anything too crazy but he did get to ride on a pony with Ella while we were shopping.
Well we had a good week, pretty busy! I had to work a lot including on Thanksgiving Day. I did get too spend the morning with my family and we ate our dinner so that was nice. Not sure if I mentioned but I am taking a cake class that is every Tues. evening so every evening last week I was gone which meant lots of daddy time. So we enjoyed the weekend just getting festive, buying a tree, decorating the house, making holiday cookies. Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving day! Just a look ahead at this week. It's EVA'S 1ST BIRHTDAY!