Monday, November 1, 2010

Boo at the Zoo

The kids were having fun running around outside and playing in the leaves.

This kitties soooo big!

Evan's is the large one, mine the medium, and Ella's the little one.

Ella very carefully using a spoon. She probably got 3 seeds out total and was very proud of herself.
We had a great week! Monday we carved our pumpkins, Ella still will not put her hand inside of it. It's too icky, she says! She had fun watching us though. Tuesday we had a Halloween party with the moms club and had a good time. We found a new babysitter so she watched the girls on Tuesday night so Evan and I could go to dinner and a movie. It was wonderful! Thursday night we went over to one of my clients house to go trick or treating with his family/neighborhood. Ella loved it! It was pretty cold here so we really had to bundle up. I worked Friday and Saturday and than on Sunday we went to the zoo for some more trick or treating. We haven't been there all summer so we thought Ella would really enjoy it. It was only 55 degrees but the girls were bundled up so they stayed warm. We spent the entire day there! They were both so good. We haven't had the chance to do any house hunting lately but will soon go out looking again.

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