We have had a busy week hence the reason its Wednesday night and I'm now just updating the blog site, sorry for all who have been waiting and checking diligently. Anways we had a good Father's Day. The girls made daddy a plate (it had a pic of the girls and Ella colored hearts and drew on it.) which we put his food on for brunch, it was a great surprise for him. Ella and daddy have been spending a lot of time together lately. Ella looks forward to him coming home all day and them being able to play baseball at night. Makes daddy pretty proud!
On Monday and Tuesday we went to the libary and then Tues. after library we had a picnic with some friends. Wednesday Ella hit her 1st homerun over the fence so it was a big day for her and daddy. Then we went running and we were strapping Ella in and she goes " I'm getting pretty big for this, pretty soon I'm going to have to start running with you." It was pretty cute! Lately, we keep saying we can't believe how old she's getting because she's been saying the darndest things. Ella wanted to watch Scooby-doo one night but daddy was watching baseball and she had already asked daddy if she could watch tv and he said no, she then decided to ask me and daddy heard her and said no before I could answer, she quickly goes. "I was talking to mommy!"
On Monday and Tuesday we went to the libary and then Tues. after library we had a picnic with some friends. Wednesday Ella hit her 1st homerun over the fence so it was a big day for her and daddy. Then we went running and we were strapping Ella in and she goes " I'm getting pretty big for this, pretty soon I'm going to have to start running with you." It was pretty cute! Lately, we keep saying we can't believe how old she's getting because she's been saying the darndest things. Ella wanted to watch Scooby-doo one night but daddy was watching baseball and she had already asked daddy if she could watch tv and he said no, she then decided to ask me and daddy heard her and said no before I could answer, she quickly goes. "I was talking to mommy!"
On Thursday Evan's work had a fun fest day, there we played and jumped in bounce houses, ate hot dogs/ice cream cones, kind of a little festival. Then on Saturday night we went to a Creekside Blues Festival, there they had lots of music and many more fair rides. The girls had so much fun, and we forgot our camera for both events. Oops!
Ella has been thouroughly enjoying her Vacation Bible School this week and will post more about it next week. What a big girl, I drop her off at 8:45 and pick her up around 12:30. She kisses me and says bye with no fussing. It's nice to have 1:1 with Eva, I acutally have been volunteering at the church but have stayed with Eva in the nursery. It's been nice and relaxing. Eva's getting her last 2 bottom teeth so have been kind of fussy plus waking up early to get Ella to vacation bible school has been a bummer for her. Hope everyone's enjoying thier summer.
Ella has been thouroughly enjoying her Vacation Bible School this week and will post more about it next week. What a big girl, I drop her off at 8:45 and pick her up around 12:30. She kisses me and says bye with no fussing. It's nice to have 1:1 with Eva, I acutally have been volunteering at the church but have stayed with Eva in the nursery. It's been nice and relaxing. Eva's getting her last 2 bottom teeth so have been kind of fussy plus waking up early to get Ella to vacation bible school has been a bummer for her. Hope everyone's enjoying thier summer.
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