Monday, September 19, 2011


Ella's favorite spot to fall asleep. It's so effective because daddy usually is watching football/baseball- (boring):o)
The Lindahl family at the park!
Eva climbing the monkey bars!
Ella's a big girl, swinging around.
Ella/daddy vs. Eva/mommy - Ella and daddy won, Ella actually did a really good job, many went in the hole.
Eva usually took a extra step closer and we still lost.
daddy took the girls to the park on Friday when I went to work.

The girls hanging on the trails.
daddy packed a picnic (lol)
daddy found a frog one evening and put it in a bucket overnight for the girls, they almost killed it because they were playing with it so much. We released it safetly back into our backyard.
So here is the result of my crafty side! I'm a perfectionist so its challenging hopefully my friends like them and I can start selling them.

Well like I said its fall and we all have colds...ick! So when we are better, its time for the flu shot so we can hopefully stay as healthy as we can all winter. This last week we had a couple playdates and Evan and I had a date night. We went downtown for dinner and a movie. It was a nice change from what we usually do. I didn't work Friday overnight because I wasnt feeling well so the weekend was much more enjoyable. I like not being so tired although I like money too so I will stick with working, I guess. On Sunday we went to church and Ella got blessed into bible school and recieved her 1st bible, she was so excited. She is really into chapter books which is weird because they don't have many pictures but she was excited to get this new gigantic chapter book (bible). Daddy reads to her every night before bed so I guess thats what they will be reading for the next year. Their in good hands!

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