Well we had a wonderful weekend with Auntie Becky and Uncle David, although it felt like I didn't get to spend much time with them. They certainly helped me out tremendously though and I hope they know how much it means to us. They arrived on Friday in time to see Ella get off the school bus. I visited with them a little and then was on my way to work for the night. When I got home everyone left for a Kidsapalooza event downtown for the girls. I slept and the girls had a great time! When they got home we had lunch, put the girls down and then Evan and I got ready to leave for our night out. We left early so we could go out to eat and relax a little before the concert. We tried out a new brewery and it was great! We then went to the concert and had a great time. Hunter Hayes and Sara Evans opened for Rascall Flatts, they were all awesome. Evan and I had not been to a concert in a very long time and forgot how great it was. It lasted 3.5 hrs and was surprised it was so long but happy that it did. We went home after a quick drink and went right to sleep, I was exhausted. Auntie and Uncle let us sleep in a little which was much appreciated and we did a few things around the house on Sunday and that was it. So it was a much needed lazy day. We had a great weekend and thanks to Auntie and Uncle the girls did too! Last week we had a good, busy week. Evan had Monday off which was my birthday and then Tuesday we went to a hockey game downtown, the girls had fun! Wednesday I worked so the girls went to a babysitters and had a great time. There are 2 little girls the same ages as them so they all play very well together. Thursday Evan had BB so didn't see him much and then Friday I worked. I can't believe how fast time goes!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Happy Birthday to me
Well sorry its Wednesday already and just thought of the blog site. My birthday was on Monday so didn't get a chance and Evan had the day off so it through me off and yesterday I had a lot of house work to do after the long weekend. On the weekend I'm tired and lazy and don't pick up as much, since I have to keep on my toes with 2 little ones. And we are having company this weekend, auntie Becky and uncle David are coming to visit. We're so excited to see them and spend time with them. Last night we went to a hockey game so it was a late night, the girls loved it and we had fun. Something different to do and one more thing checked off Evan's to do list. :o) Last week was good and not busy. We stayed home a lot more than usual but had friends over to play with. Had a dance party with our ballet friends on tuesday night, they played the wii and the new dance game for it. Sammy was over one day and then I watched some boys for awhile for a friend. It was nice to have some boys in the house, unfortunately Evan didn't get to play with them, he had BB. : ( It was nice to be home so much and still have the girls keeping busy with friends. This week have a few playdates planned but they're not at my house. I had a fantastic birthday weekend. Saturday I was tired from work on Friday so slept a little and layed around. Sunday I went to lunch with Jenna and a movie- "New Years Eve" and then Evan and I went out around 8 for some drinks and another movie- "Contraband". Both movies were amazing, I love movies so 2 movies in one day was a great b-day day, even though my real b-day was Monday. Evan made a great breakfast- sausage, muffins, and eggs, then we went to Firefly Cafe so the girls could play awhile, then to lunch at Bucca's an italian restaurant, it was yummy! We then came home for naps but Ella fell asleep in the car for 10 min. so wanted nothing to do with a nap so instead of napping I ran. I was tired but the run felt great, next we ran to Easton to look for a coat for me. I have trouble spending lots of money on 1 item so unfortuntely didn't buy a coat. I want a Northface coat, maybe sometime soon. I hope everyone has a great week!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Well we are trying to figure out our trips and fun adventures in the year 2012. It should be a fun one with a Mexico trip in March, a lake trip in July with my family, and home for Christmas in December. I'm sure a lot of other small trips will take place but not sure when yet. Otherwise our 2012 will be an uneventful one with the girls getting older and more independent and hopefully closer. There may also be some job changes. Evan has started his search again and we would love to move closer home finally but I also got contacted by the nurse coordinator on the Mother/Infant floor at Mount Carmel East hospital which is closest to us and she told me to call this week for a phone interview for part-time nights. So I am thrilled about this! Hopefully I finally get my chance to work where I want too, so pray that all goes well.
The week went well, my parents left on Wednesday so that left me only a couple days by myself until the weekend. We went to the library and layed low trying to get the girls back to their normal selves. They always get overtired with company here. We did try out a new place on Friday called Kingdome of Bounce which is a place with lots of bounce houses. Of course, the girls loved it and so did I. They were having fun and playing along and leaving me alone, whats better than that. :o) We also didn't do much over the weekend. We realized our car didn't work on Saturday so had to figure out how to jump it which was an experience for Evan and I. We were proud of ourselves we did it but then again realized the car didn't work the next afternoon so the girls and I have been stranded at home and you know we don't stay home very often so its been a little rough knowing we can't go anywhere. We had a playdate yesterday with my friend Andrea and her 3 kids so the day went quickly and then Ella had dance last night so we were out and about. Today may be a long day at least Ella has school. My friend Melissa is coming over for an hour this morning to let Sammy and the girls play and then she will be taking Ella to school for me. Thank God for friends! I hope everyone has a great week!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
All of us by the waterfall..so pretty!
Ella is lounging in the tunnel.
Well its officially winter now; cold, snowy, and nothing but summer to look forward too. Well we are going to find summer early in the beginning of March. Evan and I are going without kids to Cabo San Lucus with some friends from college. Aunt Becky and Uncle David will be coming up to stay with the girls, bless their hearts. I'm sure it will be amazing, we're super excited for it!
My parents left this morning from a fast week spent doing various things. We tried to keep them busy but still had time to relax and enjoy some down time. We did go to the hocking hills which they both loved. It was a beautiful day for it, 50 something. Saturday we went downtown for some kids activities for our New Years party. It was not as fun as we thought, but the girls' thoughly enjoyed it, especially since Dora and Diego were there. Sunday we stayed at home and took down all the Christmas decorations, my house seems so bare now. It was so nice to have my parents here to help with that. Then in the evening we got a babysitter and left the girls at home so we could do some shopping and have a nice dinner out. My mom enjoyed this a lot! Monday we went out to a few shops and fed the ducks and then had chinese for lunch. G&G went with Ella to dance class to watch her, they were so proud of her. They really liked how when she was told to ribbit like a frog she ruffed like a frog instead. She is totally preoccupied with being a puppy. Now itstead of just playing with them she pretends to be one. She is crazy! Tuesday we did nothing, enjoyed relaxing in the warmth, its really gotten cold here like under 40...brrrrr. Ella went back to school and grandma got to get her off the bus. I think they had a wonderful time here, we sure enjoyed each and every minute of it and am already looking froward to July when my whole family is getting together in Detroit Lakes for my mom and dads 40th Anniversary. yay!
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