All of us by the pretty!
Ella is lounging in the tunnel.
Well its officially winter now; cold, snowy, and nothing but summer to look forward too. Well we are going to find summer early in the beginning of March. Evan and I are going without kids to Cabo San Lucus with some friends from college. Aunt Becky and Uncle David will be coming up to stay with the girls, bless their hearts. I'm sure it will be amazing, we're super excited for it!
My parents left this morning from a fast week spent doing various things. We tried to keep them busy but still had time to relax and enjoy some down time. We did go to the hocking hills which they both loved. It was a beautiful day for it, 50 something. Saturday we went downtown for some kids activities for our New Years party. It was not as fun as we thought, but the girls' thoughly enjoyed it, especially since Dora and Diego were there. Sunday we stayed at home and took down all the Christmas decorations, my house seems so bare now. It was so nice to have my parents here to help with that. Then in the evening we got a babysitter and left the girls at home so we could do some shopping and have a nice dinner out. My mom enjoyed this a lot! Monday we went out to a few shops and fed the ducks and then had chinese for lunch. G&G went with Ella to dance class to watch her, they were so proud of her. They really liked how when she was told to ribbit like a frog she ruffed like a frog instead. She is totally preoccupied with being a puppy. Now itstead of just playing with them she pretends to be one. She is crazy! Tuesday we did nothing, enjoyed relaxing in the warmth, its really gotten cold here like under 40...brrrrr. Ella went back to school and grandma got to get her off the bus. I think they had a wonderful time here, we sure enjoyed each and every minute of it and am already looking froward to July when my whole family is getting together in Detroit Lakes for my mom and dads 40th Anniversary. yay!
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