So clearly all I can think about is Cabo because I totally forgot to update this week, sorry! Anways nothing exciting has happened, we didn't do much last week as we were recovering from the Cincy trip and over the weekend we didn't do anything either. We have had a lot of preparation for vacation so a lot we do these days is for us leaving. We skyped with Aunt Becky and Uncle David and also Auntie Hopie this last weekend so it was nice to see some familiar distant faces. We miss you all! Today our bed came so we have done a lot of rearranging today and will post pics next week. Sorry not many pics like I said lazy week. It's been super nice though like in the 60s, pretty crazy. I don't think its here long but its wonderful to have, just some fresh air is all the girls need to make them sleep better. It won't be long and Spring will be here for good, until then Cabo here I come! :o)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The girls are so excited they get to sleep together.
The girls waiting and ready for our weekend. They are wearing their new shirts from Grandma and Grandpa Lindahl. It says Vickings on the front and Lindahl on the back with Uncle Grants BB number. Too Cute!
We had a great weekend away in Cinncinati. We went to have fun and stay in a hotel to swim, Cincy also has IKEA so that was included! We planned on going to the zoo but, of course, the day we had planned to go was too chilly so we went to a museum which was acutally a 3 museums in 1 (Childrens, Natural History, and Cincy history museum). The girls had so much fun, lots to see and do! We left on Sunday after getting rested up on Saturday from my overnight. We went to the museum first and then to eat and to the hotel to swim. We were at the museum for probably 3 hours so it wore off lots of energy. It was Eva's 1st time enjoying the pool and she didn't like to leave. But she's not as scared as Ella so will probably be a swimming fool soon. (just like grandma Mary :o)). We got a King bed and all slept together that went very well. Eva had trouble falling asleep but once she was asleep, everyone slept until 715 the next morning. Great! We went swimming again and took off for breakfast at Perkins. We then went to Ikea and spent a long time there good thing its family friendly. Ella played in the childrens area for the alloted time frame- 1 hr. and then had snacks while daddy finished paying. Eva had to stay with us because Eva wasnt potty trained although this weekend she has done awesome, only once did she pee in her pants and she told me right away. She said she's not ready for panties yet though but still has been dry since we've been home. Yay, its not far away. We bought a new bed and a table and chairs for the girls. We get it delivered next Wednesday and its so past due but we are so excited to recieve it. We got home early at 6 and had time to play before bed. We probably could have made it to Ella's dance class but it would have been a rush and Ella said she just had too much playing to do. We had a great weekend. Last week was good, had playdates and library time like usual. I have decided that vacations are a lot of work...tired of planning for us being gone and worried about leaving the girls plus getting myself prepared and ready to leave. I'm sure it will all be worth it but happy that vacations are a special thing that doesn't happen too often.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Tea Party
Well overall we had a pretty quiet week last week, the girls have had a cold so we layed low to help get them better. On Tuesday we had a tea party with the ballet girls and had a blast. The girls all played so well together! Although Eva was on my lap most of the evening because she wouldn't leave her boo boo alone on her face so it was bleeding all over. What a turd! It's still there today but slowly going away, everytime she sees it, it reminds her she needs to pick it. The other main event this last week was Ayla's b-day party, it was yesterday. They are library friends and the girls play with them most Wednesday's when I go to work. We had fun there and Ella happened to have 3 cupcakes, I told her she was not aloud to have anymore junk food because she had 3 cupcakes and she goes "How did you see me." I go I'm your mom, I see everything. She was baffled and thought she almost got away with it! But I understand her love for cake, she clearly gets that from me. :o) The girls are feeling much better today so hopefully this week we will keep busy. No big plans for Valentines Day but I wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Crayon Mess
Well the highlight of our week was melted crayon, so I guess Ella put some crayons in her pocket which got washed and then dried! We all learn from our mistakes and that is definitely one I will try to avoid in the future. It was a good thing I don't dry any of the girls' nice clothes so there wasn't much that got ruined. It was nice last week so the girls went on many runs and played at the park a couple times. We had a friend over Thursday morning to play and the girls went to Sammy's on Saturday evening so Evan and I could go out for dinner and drinks. They girls had lots of fun as did we. Since we didn't do much last week we didn't take many pics. Ella continues to marvel us with her increased knowledge. Last week she came home from school and I asked her what the letter of the day was and she replied "D" and I proceeded to ask her what words start with D and she said "Dog and Dinosaurs" and then I asked what they had for snack and she goes "Donuts with a D" And I think it was the tone, that surprised me. Her brain is a sponge that doesn't forget anything. She also wrote grandma Mary a letter this week and we sent it in the mail, she wrote "I love you as much as I love puppies and kitties. She wrote it all by herself! She then decorated it with stickers and colored it. Grandma was so proud of her, we knew she would appreciate it the most since she is a teacher and boy did she. Another big event this week was that Ella fell asleep on her own in less than 10 min. I guess she was tired! We thought she was faking it but she certainly was out. It's finally getting easier, no naps help. Eva continues to grow and seems to be almost as tall as Ella. Many people ask me if they're twins. She still is NOT potty trained but certainly getting to the point of being trained. For some reason she hates going pee and I don't want to force her and make it a negative thing so we're just waiting until she's more ready. She does although tell me when she has to poop, so that's a positive thing. Otherwise, they're both getting so old.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Reds Fun
Well we had a quiet week last week compared to the previous week. I have been busy looking/applying for jobs as well as Evan. We are both in need of a change and hope something good comes out of all our hard work. We had a few playdates last week and went to a bounce house one day to play. Otherwise it was just a normal week! On Saturday after my night of work I met Evan at a shopping center to meet some of the Cinncinati Reds baseball players. The girls really enjoyed Mr. Redlegs and Mr. Red. We didn't actually stand in line for autographs just walked around to see them and listened to them talk. Well I actually shopped with the little energy I had left, always have energy to shop. :o) We then went out for pizza, which was the best pizza I ever had. It was called Mellow Mushroom Pizza Bakers, yum! That was the excitement of the day because I went home and crashed. Sunday, Evan let me sleep in (thanks honey) and then we hung around the house. Wanted to go for a run outside but it was a bit chilly! We had a good weekend and are looking forward to going to Cinncinati in a couple weeks, Ella keeps reminding us we haven't been to a hotel in forever. So thats our plan, we want to go to IKEA and get a few things for the house so we plan to shop and play in Cinncinati. Can't wait! I hope everyone is experiencing the heat wave, it was 65 degrees yesterday. Crazy but nice!
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