Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Daddy took the girls to the park yesterday, mommy had to work!
Ella wearing her sassy glasses.
Ella reading to Eva.
We bought new paint and supplies at IKEA and we now paint daily. Oh what fun and what a mess!
So clearly all I can think about is Cabo because I totally forgot to update this week, sorry! Anways nothing exciting has happened, we didn't do much last week as we were recovering from the Cincy trip and over the weekend we didn't do anything either. We have had a lot of preparation for vacation so a lot we do these days is for us leaving. We skyped with Aunt Becky and Uncle David and also Auntie Hopie this last weekend so it was nice to see some familiar distant faces. We miss you all! Today our bed came so we have done a lot of rearranging today and will post pics next week. Sorry not many pics like I said lazy week. It's been super nice though like in the 60s, pretty crazy. I don't think its here long but its wonderful to have, just some fresh air is all the girls need to make them sleep better. It won't be long and Spring will be here for good, until then Cabo here I come! :o)

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