Eva loving up to baby Drew |
Ella feeding baby Drew! Both girls were very helpful. |
The girls with Sammy and Drew! |
The girls with some more boy friends, Aiden and Eli! |
The girls being silly! |
Pretty sure Ella took this picture of Eva! Extremely close but clear! |
Happy 5th Anniversary to us! And yes I am eating cake but its Carrot cake with raisins..so nutritious! :o) |
Ella taking pics of her puppies, she thought I needed to be in one. |
Eva said she wasn't tired but I found her relaxing under her covers in her bed. |
Eva decided to move her potty right beside Ella's so they could read together. |
Well we haven't done too much lately, hence the reason there has been less posts. And we both have smart phones now which we use as our camera and upload them directly to facebook or just store them in our phones. Last week all we had pictures of was me from our Anniversary date and those were just to boring to post. :o) Our life has consisted of play dates and frequent trips to the pet stores. Ella goes "mom ya know if we just got a puppy we wouldn't have to go to the pet store all the time." What a smart little girl, it might be inevitable; a puppy might have to join our family this Christmas. At least we will know what kind of dog we want by holding all of them in the pet store. Ella wants a Chihuahua, but pretty sure thats not gonna happen the poor thing would be shoved in a purse or stepped on by Eva and/or all of us.
Ella is getting excited to start school, her first day is Aug. 30th. Eva is a little sad she will not being going but happy to have mommy all to herself. Eva and I will keep busy and I will again get some free time while Eva is napping. Yay me!
Eva is turning into a copy cat sister and a little girl you can't stay mad at. She makes the cutest expressions and your now mad face is bursting into laughter.
Evan continues to apply for jobs and I as well. I just recently got a job interview at Children's on the genenic, renal, rheumatology floor. It's not my top pick but I guess I gotta do what I gotta do to get me where I want. Of course, I have to be offered it first so am waiting to hear, should be next week sometime.
This weekend we are off to more traveling. Evan is going to Vegas for a Bachelor party and me and the girls will be headed to Tennessee to spend the long weekend (Thurs.-Mon) with Auntie Becky and Uncle David.) We are all excited to excape reality for awhile, and the girls are bursting with joy to spend time with their auntie and uncle.
I hope everyone enjoys the last little bit of summer..I know fall is calling my name. It's my favorite!