Eva lounging before bedtime, she was obviously tired. |
Daddy and his girlie! |
Daddy took the girls for a run in the park while I slept on Saturday morning. |
They had a picnic after the run! |
We went downtown on Saturday to go to a pumpkin festival. |
Hay maze, they loved it! |
They pet some ducks and bunnies. |
Got balloon animals and of course they were puppies. |
If you look really close you can also see Eva in this pic. |
The hay ride! Ella is always taking care of her sister. |
Is that not the best hay ride you've ever seen. :o) They liked it so thats all that matters. |
Football Saturday! Ella likes to play the fumble game with daddy. |
Ella also likes to play baseball when daddy has time to play. |
We finished the perfect Saturday with a fire and smores. yummy! And tried cousin Mike's new invention a smore with a reeses cup instead of herseys choc. and we loved it. |
Eva with her balloon animal. |
Well we haven't been doing too much, had a few playdates due to crappy weather, although it kind of forces us to stay home and relax something we all need to do. We are still catching up from our trip to Minnesota. We stayed busy over the weekend like always. On Sunday we went to church and then did some shopping and stayed home the rest of the day. Got some chores done and relaxed! Eva now goes to Sunday school and had a fantastic time, she made a necklace and got animal crackers/choc. and colored. She's a big girl now, she says. Again, her big sister is there with her to take care of her. They are both so big now and play wonderfully together, most of the time. They love to have dance parties, in Ella's bedroom with the music loud, lights off, and jumping on the bed. The girls, Ella especially, could listen to music all day long while coloring or playing. And yes they both know the words to most popular songs on the radio. They surprise me sometimes, knowing more words than I do. Time flies by! I hope everyone is enjoying the fall, my favorite season!