The girls at the pumpkin patch! |
The girls getting their caricature drawn; they sat still the entire time. |
The girls riding a camel at the Circleville pumpkin show. |
Eva in her big girl seat! |
Eva got to go to school with Ella on Friday; she loved it! |
It was a rainy day so the girls and I decided to bake a rainbow cake that we turned into tasty pumpkin cake-pops. |
Daddy took the girls downtown to register Ella for her 1st race Saturday morning, while I slept for a short 1.5 hours before meeting them. |
Ella played hockey at the running expo. |
The girls said hi to Stinger the Columbuis Blue Jackets hockey mascot. |
Ella stretching before her (.015 miles) race. |
Ella patiently waiting for the race to start. |
She was waving to daddy and running, very talented! |
Ella and her medal. She was very proud! |
Ella was showing the clown her medal. |
The girls went to a Halloween party Saturday evening with Aunt Becky and Uncle David. Evan and I went to a movie. We all had fun! Ella, of course, is a Dalmation and Eva is a witch. |
It was cold so the girls had to really bundle! Auntie and Uncle said they didn't once complain of being cold so we did a good job. |
Sunday we went hiking in the hocking hills! |
Eva and I waving to daddy! |
This hike was called fat women's sqeeze, we all fit! ;o) |
The girls posing for a picture |
Ella got her 4th haircut and didn't cry or make a fuss at all. She got 3 inches off but its still beatifully long. |
We had a wonderful week last week. Stayed super busy and had lots of fall fun. Monday was the day it rained so we baked and watched movies. Tuesday we went to storytime at the library which was excellent. We hadn't been there in forever so the girls thoughly enjoyed it. That evening Ella practiced her running for the big race. Wednesday we cleaned the house in anticipation for Aunt and uncles arrival. Thursday I watched my friends boys but it was more like a playdate for the girls so it worked out great. Thursday evening we went to the Circleville Pumpkin show and had tons of fun. The girls saw giant pumpkins, got their caticature drawn, saw the largest pumpkin pie ever, rode some rides, and rode a camel. That was the 1st of the fall fun for us and we all loved it. We look forward to this time of year every year, as there is so much to do around here. Friday we relaxed again from a late evening and the girls and I all went to school. I volunteered in Ella's class so Eva got to come too. I just know I could never be a teacher, not enough patience:o) However, I do like to see how Ella behaves around her classmates and teachers. Saturday Evan took the girls to get donuts and to go downtown to register Ella for the race while I took a cat nap. Dave and Becky arrived at 11, we met Evan and the girls downtown and wished Ella good luck on her race. She was pumped because there was a lot of kids and clowns there. She did great running! After that we came home to rest a little before getting their costumes on and heading over to our town's Halloween party. We loved being able to know the girls were in good hands while Evan and I were enjoying drinks and a movie. We all had fun! Sunday was spent hiking in the Hocking Hills, we thought we would enjoy a beautiful fall day outside. We all had fun! Dave and Becky left Monday morning around 10 and it was sad to see them leave so soon. We know though that we will be spending Thanksgiving with them so it won't be long before we are together again. We would love to thank them again for everything they did for us, we are so thankful to have them close to us.
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