First time in the grass. She didn't like it!
I'm on my potty :o)
Just hangin around!
First time I used a fork.
We were putting together her potty and she fell into it. She was not happy but I had to get a picture.
Forgot to post this last week! It's a good one with grandpa.
Well another week has come and gone, thank god it was way too busy for me. Work and hockey games, nothing to exciting. Ella has done more firsts- she has eaten with a fork, has gotten her 1st potty, and has sat/crawled on the grass. She is teething but still NO teeth and is soo close to taking her first step all by herself. We are getting excited for her 1st birthday. We plan to go to Cinncinnati and go to a baseball game(of course, daddy's idea) and than to a big aquarium. We also are staying at a nice hotel with a pool, so she will enjoy that. Life is going great, weather here is finally starting to warm up and feel like spring and our baby girl is not going to be a baby anymore. Hope all is staying warm in the snowny ND!