GO BEARCATS! Uncle Grant just won districts, now off to Regionals. Good Luck! We're cheering you on.
We caught you!
Ella really does love helping with laundry but can't do it without tv.
Ella playing in Madi's travel kennel.
We can't believe it's already March and also can't believe Ella will be 1 soon. Where has the year gone. She is starting to babble a lot more and its super cute because she goes from high to low, makes me laugh everytime! She also has began pulling herself up in her crib. No new firsts! The weather here has been crazy lately. One day it's warm and the next its freezing, anyways Ella, Madi, and I went for a walk the other day and Ella wore my sunglasses the whole time (about 40 min.). It was the cutest thing ever. Of course, I didn't have my camera so I didn't get a picture of but it sure made me smile. Just picture her in her bommer hat and huge sunglasses covering her entire face. We have a new travel kennel for Madi and have it set up so that she can get used to it, well Ella loves it and likes to play in it. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
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