She makes a bigger mess now that she can pull herself up. Yay!
At the hockey game!
Told ya the sunglasses and bomber hat was cute!
She likes to play in my cupboards, hence further messes.
We had a great week last week. I didn't work quite as much, had the weekend off. It was nice to spend time with Evan and Ella. On Monday we went to Barnes and Noble for storytime. She doesn't have patients to read with me so I thought it might be better if someone else were doing it and there were other little kids around. She enjoyed it. On Tuesday we went to another hockey game and I actually enjoyed this one. We sat real close and I got to wave the flag, the Blue Jackets motto is carry the flag and so I was thrilled to carry the flag. Ella got real into it too. She was clapping and screaming because everyone around her was doing the same. I joined a MOMS group here in Columbus and I have been going to several outings with groups of moms, I really enjoy it. I met some moms at storytime on Monday and they invited me out on Thursday evening for a girls night out. We just went out and had dinner at a fancy restaurant and had a couple drinks. It was so much fun! We obviously have lots to talk about and many things in common. Ella enjoys the outings as well because there are always many kids to watch/play with. On Saturday we went to the Arnold classic, which is a bodybuidling/weightlifting expo and competition. It was real interesting, actually kind of scary. The girls were huge as were the guys! It was fun to walk around downtown, the weather was really nice. Well hopefully everyone had a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the week!
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