We had a wonderful time in Cando. Grandma Donna and Grandma Mary came to pick us up in Grand Forks and I was happy that both flights went well. We did a little shopping before coming home and went to Grandma Mary's to visit with Aunt Linda and cousin Alyssa and Gabi. We stayed the first night with G&G Vondal. We split our time between G&G Vondal's and G&G Lindahl's.
We enjoyed grandma's open yard and flower dirt to play in. Hope and the kids came around noon and they stayed until Monday. It was nice to spend so much time with them. In the evening we watched uncle Grant play baseball and we stayed the night with G&G Lindahl.
We spent the entire day with Grandma Mary and Aunt Linda. I figured out that Ella was a mommy's girl and the only way she would spend time with others was to disappear so I met my mom, Hope, and the kids for lunch so Ella could have some bonding time with Grandma Mary. I also left in the afternoon because Mary had made me a massage appt. It was so thoughful of her and it was much needed. I have been having frequent headaches due to strain from Ella and my heavy diaper bag. Mary knew this and was super sweet and made me an appt., I'm sure it was also to get some alone time, which was fine with me. Thurs. evening we went back to grandma Donna's house.
We had a very rough night, I think her teeth were bothering her. We waited so long for teeth and now this week I realize she is getting 3, poor baby. I even let Ella sleep with me, which is rough on me because she is restless. At least someone got some sleep. I had left her on the bed to go and get ready and shortly after that I heard her talking. I ran in there so she wouldn't fall off the bed and quietly picked her up thinking she may go back to sleep. Well she very loudly gave me a huge open kiss on the cheek telling me she was for sure awake. It was cute! We ran into Grandma Mary's to say goodbye to Aunt Linda and visit with cousins Alyssa, Gabi, and Austin, and Uncle Rod. We spent a couple hours in there and Ella was then ready for a nap and Grandma Mary was off to Fargo to watch Uncle Grant play BB. The rest of the day was relaxing, I took naps when Ella did. Auntie Nellie and Uncle Tom arrived around 7pm and from there Ella was Nellie's little girl.
Uncle Brett and Great-grandma and Great-grandpa were coming to spend the day with us. It was the first beautiful day of the summer, good thing I brought 1 skirt outfit. We were outside practically all day long. Ella had fun riding the scooter and the little 4-wheeler and just running around the open lands. She took wonderful naps without making a peep. Too bad we don't have a yard and open land for her to run in. She was so happy! We had a wonderful day with the family. G&G Lindahl came out in the evening for awhile to visit Ella. Ella went to bed around 10pm and we had a bonfire. It was fun and relaxing.
We spent the morning with the Vondal family and the afternoon at the Lindahl's. Since G&G Lindahl live right beside the park we went there right away. She loved it! I then layed her down and went out to my house. G&G Lindahl I'm sure enjoyed their alone time. I went home around 730, when Nellie and Tom left and Hope, dad, and the kids were going fishing. We went for a short walk, gave Ella a bath, and did the webcam with daddy. She really enjoyed that, she just kept saying hi and blowing kisses.
We spent the majority of our day with G&G Lindahl and Uncle Grant. Grandma took us to the DQ for lunch which was was marvelous. We kept Ella awake until we left for Fargo so she would sleep most of the way there and that she did. We went to visit with Brett and say goodbye to Aunt Ashley. We also got to see Cousin Jennie and Braeley, Anita, Lloyd, and Peyton, and Mary and Manning Mostad. It was a busy evening.
We relaxed in the morning and than went out for lunch with Brett and Ashley and Tom and Nellie. From there we left for the airport in GF. It was a great day until then. In GF we sat in the plane for an hour before even taking off and Ella was fussy. We then barely made the next flight and Ella screamed most of the way home. It was so awful! Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. We got in late and, of course, our bag wasn't there. I figured that would happen so wasn't too upset. But I quickly got upset when my bag didn't arrive the next day. We didn't get it until Friday afternoon. Evan was happy to have us home even though we arrived crabby. He greeted us with open arms.
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