I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday! We stayed close to home and had our own little Thanksgiving meal, which Evan cooked. Thanks honey it was wonderful! We had a relaxing day and didn't do too much.
Ella in her new Dora pj's, figured we couldn't wait till Christmas since Dora is in a Santa suit. They make her look so grown up.
Ready to go pick out a tree. It's finally chilly enough to wear my winter coat.
Ella's petting a goat.
Ed the donkey
We were super tired from walking around the tree farm, way too much for a pregnant lady and a 19 month old.
Evan showing off his skills!
After Thanksgiving Day it is officially time to be cheerful and prepare for Christmas. We decorated our apartment on Friday and went to get a tree on Saturday. We decided to make it a fun adventure and pick out and chop down our own tree. We looked forever for the perfect one and than Evan quickly chopped it down. He is quick the lumberjack! Ella got sick of walking but sure enjoyed the little petting
zoo they had. They had the cutest little donkey, 2 goats, and 4 ducks.
Since I am writing on time I have obviously not had the baby. I don't think I will ever have her. Although my due date isn't until the 9th I feel so ready to have her and have for the last 2 weeks. I have another Dr.'s appt. tomorrow so that will hopefully give me some information about when she will come. Mom comes this Saturday and the Dr. mentioned if I hadn't had her by the time my mom came I could get induced. So as soon as mom gets here I will be going to the hospital! At least I know Ella will be in good hands. Well I will keep everyone informed! Have a great week!