She's dancing!
This weekend we took Ella to Sesame Street Live; We are now considered the best parents ever. She had lots of fun!
I am now almost 38 weeks and still pregnant, although this weekend I had many contractions. I thought maybe it was going to happen but false alarm. I go in tomorrow to the Dr. again so we will find out how much progress I have made. I am feeling ok- I guess, as good as you can feel when your carrying a huge basketball in front of you.
We had a good week, nothing too exciting. We had a playdate with Aiden on Friday and it was fun to see them play. Although, the boy in him sure shows. He likes to hit and jump and climb where as Ella is much more reserved. Thank God!
She likes to lean against the ottoman when watching TV; always looking so grown up.
She is such a little imitator! She loves to copy daddy.
If we're not watching Dora we're reading her!
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