Reading to her baby on the potty! She definitely gets it!
Her hair is all up in a ponytail and she is eating her favorite, as of now anyways, hotdogs.
Off I go, she wishes she could just run around without pants on all day!
We are playing with fake nails, I am so surprised she let me put them on her and than kept them on. What a girl! :o)
Finally we have all been vaccinated, well Ella will need another booster shot in a month but I feel a lot safer now. I am now 36 weeks so the countdown is on. I go to the Dr. on Thursday to see what progress I have made. I am excited and hope to hear my body is getting ready for this baby to come. Although, it can't come too quickly because Grandma Donna will not be here until Dec. 5th and I will need her help! ;o)
My belly at 35 weeks!
We have still been laying low away from many kids and crowds to stay free from illness. We do participate in toddler storytime 2 times a week at the library, Ella has lots of fun there and is getting braver and braver. She leaves mommy to go and sit with the other kids and listen to the stories. She has been developing her own little attitude which she knows exactly what she wants and will definitely tell you yep or nope to get her way. She has also gone back to being a picky eater, why can't there just be some consistency? You think you've figured them out and then they completely change. It's exhausting! The potty thing is going wonderfully, although I still have to take her but she goes right away and than we're back to playing. I'm waiting for her to tell me but I'm happy that she's come this far. I'm a little scared to see what will happen when the new little one arrives. She's almost ready for underwear but I dont know if I want to go there with another baby coming, I'm sure she'll regress in some ways.
This weekend we took Ella to her 1st movie in a theatre. We were planning to see the new Christmas movie but decided it was too early and probably not the best for a 1.5 year old. We saw "Cloudy with a Change of Meatballs" and she liked it. I was so proud of her. She did get a little fussy toward the end of it but we finished it.
She's hugging my belly, it was too cute.
Again naked and golfing!
She loves bubbles!
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