Ella still likes to wear her boots around the house.
Eva likes to play with toys and blankets.
Ella likes to clean her own ears. :o)
Well I am not officially back to work because Eva still won't take a bottle but I did work Friday, Sat, and Sunday nights at my old job. I was able to take her with me because the other 2 kids were in Florida at Disney World. It was nice to see my client again and know that a little extra cash will be coming our way. We didn't do much this weekend because for 1 March Madness took over Evan's life and 2 I was a little tired from working nights. It also was a little too chilly to stay outside for long. We are so excited to bring Ella to the zoo but her sister would appreciate it if we waited for nicer weather; so we wait. The girls and I stayed busy doing activies within the moms club this week. I was able to go out all by myself with some moms and have dinner, it was very much needed. Another day we had a tour of Trader Joe's, which is an organic/natural food store. They do a lot of fun things for the kids, like little grocery carts and hidden dolphins. It helps make grocery shopping fun for them too. We had 2 playdates also last week but by the end of the week Ella was saying Home, lets just stay home. So she had enough running, she is starting to be like her mommy- a homebody. Well we can't wait for the arrivial of G&G Lindahl and Uncle Grant, it's been way to long since we have seen them. Counting down the days.
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