Monday, March 15, 2010

Home sick

Ella showing her love.

Ella's favorite thing to do- popping bubbles.

Eva is such a happy baby, she always has a smile on her face. Her hair is now long enough and thick enough to put barrets in.

Ella watching tv on her tool (aka her stool).

Ella wearing her hat like her daddy! Who knows why she isn't wearing a shirt.

So we were supposed to go last weekend and be home this week but unfortunately the boys BB team did not win their game. They were undefeated and lost in overtime by 1 so I guess it wasn't meant to be. So being home today is sad and lonely. :o( I just hate the fact that Nellie and I both have new babies and we have not met. My mom is the only one in my family who has even seen Eva. I hate living so far away! Evan's parents are thankfully coming to visit for Easter and we are meeting my parents in Seattle in April to visit Uncle Brett and Aunt Ashley. I keep thinking its going to get better but it hasn't yet, I guess time will only tell. So last week the girls were finally feeling themselves so we were busy with the mom's club and with playdates. It was also very beautiful here, around 70 one day, so Eva, Ella, and I went for a walk. Eva fell asleep so I guess she enjoyed it! This weekend was uneventful, we did want to do something since we were all packed and everything but decided we should just save are money for our Seattle trip in April. It was chilly this weekend so not much to do outside but we are looking forward to bringing Ella to the zoo this summer. She will love it! Today brings more running/stuffy noses for the girls so I hope its just a mild cold. Poor babies!

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