Ella on her birthday morning. Mommy made her chocolate chip berry pancakes with 2 candles.
Well we had a great time in Seattle visiting and site seeing. The girls were great and had lots of fun too. The hardest part was the time change, 3 hours sure makes a difference. Mom and dad stayed at the same hotel as we did and were there to greet us when we arrived Tuesday afternoon. We ate and went swimming and Brett and Ashley came over to say see us and visit.
Auntie Ashley holding Eva for the 1st time.
Grandpa and Ella swimming! It took her a little bit to go to grandpa and he was thankful for every minute he got holding her or playing with her.
Wednesday it was raining so we didn't do much. We went to a couple of wineries, which was my favorite part of the trip. In the evening Evan and I went downtown for a baseball game and G&G took care of the girls. G&G sure enjoyed that! Thanks mom and dad!
Ella and mommy in a winery room.
Ella and MOMMY!
Grandma and Grandpa walking with Ella.
Thursday was the busiest day we went to see some big waterfall- Snoquamie Falls and than went downtown to take a boat tour, see the market, and the space needle. We actually saw a famous guy named Russel Brand, he was just walking on the streets, turns out he was in town for a show. It's hard to miss someone like him.
Evan and Ella up in the Space Needle.
The famous market
A view from the boat tour. It was very informative and interesting.
Friday we went to some more wineries and a brewery and had a nice supper at Brett's house. We also celebrated Ella's birthday with a small cookie monster cake. She loved the cake and cried when we cut into it.
Uncle Brett gave Eva a little too. Of course she liked it, she's mommy's girl.
Ella eatin her cake and yes it did turn her mouth and lips blue. Messy!
Grandpa and Ella with her cookie monster cake.
Ella at the winery, she enjoyed them too. She loves grape juice and sitting on high tables.
Ella and daddy swimming. Ella enjoyed it even though it was very chilly.
Saturday morning was spent with my Uncle Danny- my mom's brother. It was nice to see him! The rest of the day was busy running around so that my parents could depart at 5pm on the train. We left early Sunday morning and was so relieved to be home Sunday evening. The girls are so overtired so it's been hard to get back to normal and the time change again screwed them up. No time to slow down because yesterday was Ella's 2nd birthday and we had a little pizza party. We planned on a party in the park but unfortunately it was raining so we made it a pizza party. Ella seemed to have a wonderful time running around with the kids and loved her Dora and Boots cake. I can't believe she is 2 already, how the time flies. We didn't get many pictures throughout the day because she was kinda crabby from being overtired. I will post more pictures next week.