Ella's playing with her sister. Good thing she's a good sport!
Well we had a wonderful Easter and lots of fun with family. It was so nice to have family here for Easter, I think it's our first Easter with family in 4 years, definitely long awaited. On Thursday before they arrived we had an Easter egg hunt through the Moms club. Ella had lots of fun playing in the playground and than searching for eggs. She especially liked the candy in the eggs.
Ella swinging on a big girl swing before the Easter egg hunt.
When the Lindahl's arrived we went to see the Easter bunny. Thank God we didn't have to pay to see him because Ella didn't like him too much. She only went close enough to get candy and than would run away. Although, she did that about 4 times, I guess candy was worth it.
A picture of ME and Eva.
Ella and the Easter bunny. She only got close enough to him to grab some treats from his basket and than ran away.
Ella's wearing grandma Marys glasses.
Friday we spent the day at the zoo along with half the people of Columbus. It was packed! Ella seemed to really enjoy it. We all got a lot of sun but I was the only one who got burnt. I guess I should have put sunscreen on but you know the first sun of the summer you kind of just want to soak it all up, well I did just that.
Ella riding Pumba.
Uncle Grant, Grandpa Mark, and Ella; waiting for the rest of the gang at the zoo.
Saturday Evan and Grant were gone all day, they went to Indianapolis to the Final Four games. Grandma and Grandpa watched the girls for awhile so I could get my hair done and than Grandma, Ella, and I did some shopping while Eva stayed with Grandpa. It was nice to have some help, although Eva had a little cold so she wasn't the happiest little girl.
On Saturday Evan and Grant went to Indianapolis for the Final Four. They had lots of fun!
Sunday we went to church and played outside with Ella's new sidewalk chalk and bubbles. We also went to the park! The weather here has been so nice.
Ella wearing Uncle Grants hat and having a snack. She loves her hats!
Ella painting Easter Eggs in her underwear. Way too messy!
Ella looking for eggs the Easter bunny left for her.
Ella is almost 2 and has been starting to put sentences together. Eva is now 4 months and we went to the Dr. yesterday to find out she is 15 lbs 15 oz. 25.5 in. long. The Dr. mentioned I can start giving Eva food so once her cold is gone we will start. I hope everyone's Easter was wonderful.
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