Ella running away from me.
Well we had a busy and fun week. After getting back to normal after our company left we kept busy with mom's activities. On Wednesday we went to a historical farm, where Ella got to pet baby lambs and pigs and other animals. We also were able to see sheep being sheared and other old style farm activies; spinning and water pumps.
I got it!
It's working, we did it!
Ella chasing the chickens. They told us not to chase the animals but seriously you can not expect 2 year olds to NOT chase them. Too much fun!
Ella petting a lamb.
Sheep being Sheared! Poor thing. Ella enjoyed watching it.
Evan and I have been training for the marathon so on our down time we are busy running. Yay us! We run 5 out of the 7 days so we keep busy.
On Friday we went to playgroup and had lots of fun. Even though it was cold Ella loved playing outside. I wish we had a yard for her to run and play in. Friday night Evan and I volunteered cleaning letters for the PGA Memorial Golf Tournament. The girls did great, Ella could care less that we left and Eva did take a bottle, but only 2oz. to satisfy her until I got home.
Saturday we had our 4 mile run so we took the girls to the park so they could have different scenery, well they both fell asleep. It was nice for us but a lot more work getting them there and then pushing them up and down the hills.
Daddy dressed her, can you tell! Go Twinsies!
Eva's 1st bite of cereal.
Eva loving Elmo.
Eva was so comfy she fell asleep. What a good baby!
Evan & Eva
Sunday we almost went to a Reds baseball game, perfect weather, but with us leaving soon for Seattle and lots of sports on tv to watch we decided not to go. There will be plenty of games to watch this summer. This week we bought Ella a glove and a baseball so she could play catch with her daddy. Now all she says is lets "PLAY BALL!" She has a good arm and enjoys it, I think she will be a good little softball player in years to come.
Ella with her new glove.
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