Ella's picture taking, I love this one!
Great-Grandma Evelyn made this for Eva, she looks cute in it!
Eva's 1st toothbrush, she always wanted Ella's so I gave her her own.
This weekend/week has been a struggle without Evan, I didn't think it would be that much different without him but I am tired! The girls have been great its just so much work and no down time, even nights have been hard. They both have been waking frequently which makes long nights as well as days. We had a birthday party on Saturday and than visited my friend Jenna's horses, both girls liked them. Sunday we went to church and than went to the pool and on a late evening stroll. Monday we went to get professional pictures taken and they were unsucccessful. Eva had NO smiles in her and Ella was not participating so we went back today and they were wonderful.
You will need to go to myonlineportraits.com and enter the session number: 026048 and the password: ZVXMG
Evan comes home tomorrow so I am thankful for that and I also get to leave tonight so I can go to work which I am thrilled about. Thank God for my friends!
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