So Evan wants to get rid of Madison and it would be nice but as you can see Ella loves Madi. :o(
Eva is everywhere Ella is these days and other places she's not supposed to be. Busy Busy!
Eva does not like to go to sleep on her own so she stays upright as long as she can and as you see just falls over and sleeps. I always have to reposition her for comfort.
She likes to pull herself up on anything she can, although just seconds after taking this picture she fell backwards. She did not get hurt though! Thank God!
I was cleaning out the fridge and Eva was helping me. It looks like she is counting the apples.
My grandma Evelyn gave this dress to Ella so I thought I would try it on Eva while it fits. Well she seemed to like it but was tired so did not have any smiles.
Go Brownies!
Daddy is sure proud when his girls where there browns shirts.
Eva found the potatoes. Silly girl!
Ella enjoying her Sunday donut. A little messy!
Well the temperature has dropped significantly and I'm loving it! Although cleaning out the closets hasn't been fun but I'm glad I have found the time to do it. We went to story time last week which both the girls love, I think we will try to make it every week, it keeps us busy and learning. We also went shopping with a friend which was an adventure. I think its the first time I went shopping with both girls, its too crazy. I don't think I did much shopping! My friend asked me, "How do you do this alone." my relpy, "I don't." That's sad isn't it, at least I think so. I love to shop! Well I guess it helps us save money. :o) I worked all weekend so we didn't do much. We did buy a nice new flat screen for our room for when we move. With Eva in the room we don't watch it but there was a great sale so we too advantage of it. We didn't do too much outside last week because it was still too hot, (90's) hopefully this week we can make it to the park.