We were washing up Eva in the sink and she was loving it.
Ella was trying to hide from the camera, what a great job she did! She thinks if she looks away she won't be in it. Too funny!
Aiden and Ella. Aiden will soon be a big brother, his mommy is due in Oct. so we are excited to have a new little one join our playgroup. It's another little boy!
Eva is trying to crawl...well I was helping her try to crawl. She doesn't get it yet. Although I don't really want her moving yet because than I will be even busier.
Eva is becoming aware of the camera and won't smile for it so I was trying to tickle her with my foot but it was unsuccessful!
What a serious TV watcher!
Daddy kisses!
One of my clients I work for. His name is Michael, he is 10; he loves the girls. Ella loves to ride in his wheelchair and somehow she does a pretty good job at manuevering it.
So last week I worked almost 40 hours hence the reason I'm so tired this week. So we didn't get to do anything as a family because Evan and I just switched off most days. The girls and I did get to go for some afternoon walks because it cooled off but that cool weather didn't stay long. It's in the 90s again all week this week. This week we have been trying to catch up with our friends, everyday we have seen someone which still doesn't leave much time for housework or relaxation. Well we would be bored if we weren't so busy so I guess we are happy and content in our busy life. We have been searching for a home here just in case we end up staying here. We decided that Evan will continue to search hard core for jobs in the Minneapolis area and if he doesn't find anything in 2 months we will buy a house and stay here for awhile, hopefully no longer that 5 years. I have such a flexible job right now and its perfect for our little family. So here we may be! O-H-I-O
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