At the Christmas party, Eva's having a great time while Ella is crying.
Eva loungin watching Dora. She won't move until Dora is over, amazing! And she knows how to get off the couch, something Ella never mastered until she was alot older.
Ella's pushing Eva on her little car, they both love it! Look at Eva's long hair, she won't keep anything in it so its always in her face! I refuse to cut it though!
Ella layin on Eva, so precious!
Havin a great time eating her cupcake.
Eva on her birthday enjoying a cupcake, she was much happier and enjoyed it alot more than at her party.
Sorry I waited till today but Eva's 1st appt. was today and I wanted to let everyone know how big she's gotten. Well her growth is slowing down she is now an average baby. Her length is in the 80th percentile- 30 1/4 in. and is 21 lbs 12oz. Ella was 24 lbs and 31 1/2 in, so very similar! She also got her shots which are the worst at age 1, there were 3 and they all sting! I also had concerns about her teeth, her bottom two are still working there way out but I have noticed they aren't as white as Ella's and it's because the Dr. presribed her some vitamin supp. with flouride that she should have stopped when I stopped breastfeeding. Well I wasn't told so she was getting flouride in the tap water with her bottle and flouride in the vitamin supplements. I am really frustrated with this because it was completely preventable. Although, the dr. noted it should effect her big teeth. So anyways it may not be as bad as I think because like I said her teeth are not even all the way out yet, I'm just a paranoid mom. :o)
We had a great time at the holiday party, although Ella was a mess for the first 45 minutes. She just kept crying and saying she wanted to go home. I think we rushed her when we got up from her nap, so she was crabby! She eventually settled down and as you can see sat on Santa without crying. I was really impressed, and Eva could care less.
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