Eva's just chillin and watchin Dora!
Ella's got her huge "purse" and she's going bye bye to go shopping. :o)
Webcam time, we were talking to G&G Lindahl on the webcam as we do every weekend.
Eva and Evan relaxing!
NO I am NOT pregnant! We are excited to share that we finally got a house, although we are just renting it because we really would like to move home. But its exactly what we were looking for and will make us so happy for upcoming years here in Columbus. We are acutally renting from friends so we are very fortunate to have a low monthly payment and items left behind; washer/dryer, lawnmower, some small furniture. We are so thankful this has finally happened! We have also decided we can finally let Madi go, as does Ella. So we are giving her to a wonderful family not far from us so we can go and visit anytime, they also have a little boy Ella had a great time with. So we can go over for playdates and play with Madi too, just perfect.
Madi's last pic! She will soon be in a new home. :o(
Although, we did tell Ella we could get her some fish or turtles so not sure if I'll regret that buts its got to be easier than a dog. So we have started packing for ND, we leave next Tues. so are all very excited about that. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
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