This is her happy happy face...she sometimes closes her eyes and runs toward you or into things. :o) But its the cutest thing ever.
My Eva Diva! (So Chrissy called her- what a great nickname).
Ella in her tutu.
The girls in their tutus! Eva's hair is kind of crazy but she likes to play with it too to keep it up and out of her face is a task.
Eva reading on the potty...we have started stressing potty time more this week, bringing her more regularily. It seems to be working so far, sometimes she goes there after she has just gone potty but at least she's getting it.
I love this pic...what a close up!
We got a new pony from a friend and boy do they love it!
Ella riding Cocoa....she named him! Her love for chocolate shows!
All we do is ride...and it produces such big smiles. I love it! Good thing we have more space for toys. :o)
Well we are excited to have company for Easter this year, G&G Lindahl will be arriving on Friday and will be here just 3 short days. So happy they are making the trip to see us and our new house. Safe travels! Last week we had a few playdates, met some friends at the park for a picnic and some play time and went to the library. I worked like normal on Friday and on the weekend we did some outside work and a few errands. We are getting ready for pictures....pray that they turn out well. The girls are now quite a handful...with Eva walking and into things. We went to the library and by the time I left today I was exhausted...lost Eva for awhile amonst the many rows of books, shes quick. Then since it was another rainy, miserable day we read our library books and painted our nails today. Even Eva let me paint her fingernails...anything Ella does she does. So they both did a great job! Well we wish everyone a Happy Easter and safe travels.
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