Reds family
Eva slept on me for close to 4 innings so it was a great game.
Evan and Ella
mommy and Eva, she wouldn't leave my sunglasses on my face....she wanted them.
The girls sitting and enjoying their snacks.
Bark in the park day, Ella loved all the puppies. They had a puppy parade before the game started and they were in the stadium throughout the game so we could pet.
daddy and Ella
Playing in Mcdonalds
Reds girls
Evan thought it was pretty cute that she was double fisting the juices.
Seconds later she was past out....a little tired I guess. :o)
The girls and I on the playground.
Evan and Ella are turtles.
The girls are stuck in a spider web.
Eva playing on the playground.
Polar bears were fun to watch...they were playing and running around.
Ellas favorite animal was the Tiger.
I'm pointing out a crocodile! didn't even move it seemed dead.
Polar bears were fun to watch...they were playing and running around.
The girls looking at an owl a zookeeper was holding.
Ella and Eva riding a Rhino.
Ella riding with Aiden, good thing he was a good driving.
There they go!
The girls playing at Firefly cafe.
The girls giving daddy some love.
The girls actually sat on the Easter bunny last week at the pet Expo and they both liked him. Success!
We had another busy weekend, we went to Cincinnati to the zoo and than a Reds baseball game on Sunday. We had so much fun! The weather was perfect, well on Sunday for the game it was about 75 and sunny and I didn't even think to bring sunscreen. It wasn't supposed to be that nice, well we bought Ella a hat to protect her face and Evan got a little burnt but we survived. Eva and I were out in the shade because I was rocking her a lot of the time so she would fall asleep, it worked and she slept about 4 innings. The girls were so good although I feel guilty because I just kept shoving junk in their face. We had lots of candy, juice, and popcorn, whatever would keep them sitting happily. We also left a little early because the Reds were kicking butt. On Saturday we left for the zoo and it was a bit colder but we bundled up and had a great time, from there we went to eat and to the hotel for some swimming. Ella is really starting to like the pool. Eva not so much! Then on Friday we met some moms at the Firefly cafe downtown for some indoor fun. We hadn't done anything else all week except for the libary so we were excited to get out. I just knew we would be running again on the weekend so layed low during the week. The girls had a great time the entire weekend and so did we. But we are happy to say we will be at home for the next 7 weeks, until we make a trip home to ND. We are all tired of running thats for sure. I'm sorry to hear that ND got more snow, that sucks! :o) But I love you all.
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