Our last group pic!

Ev and I enjoying drinks before dinner.

Our last night dining. We had a fine dining experience, very elegant and very good.

Past the lobby...looking through the door is the ocean.

The front of our hotel!

Our last day in the pool! Evans enjoying a girlie drink...he loved his pina colada's

The most perfect pic. Moolight on the ocean.

Evan dessert...on fire! It was steakhouse night,very good.

I think the one on the left looks like an anteater..not quite sure but my flower basket was pretty.

I'm walking through the rocks!

The girls on Lovers beach! Its right beside Lands End.

Fishies..they were feeding them and they came right to the surface!

Sea otters!

Lands End! Very famous rocks.

Look at how close he was!

2 whales right ahead...it was the coolest experience of my life, by far the best part of our trip.

Whale watching!

The boys loaded up the cooler for a day out on the ocean...we went Whale watching.

We missed the girls so very much but thought of them everyday. We bought them dresses and cute little trinkets they could play with.

We had room service every morning and I got a flowers with it. What a great way to start the day.

Evan and I in the water taxi on the way back from town. I almost dround getting off it though, thanks to Todd for saving my life.

Steve and Evan enjoying their cigars.

Evan and his man purse! (Satchel as he would call it) He was ready to let the dogs out.

Beer pong...I totally sucked at that one...Good think Ginny was a basketball player she almost won it for us.

Steve was nominated to hang upside down and take 3 shots...what a trooper.

Evan holding an Iguana.

The sign says it all!

The girls enjoying a big drink...good thing we shared bc it was very strong!

The boys at Cabo Wabo.

The girls at another bar...we bar hopped and did a little shopping.

Cabo Wabo...a famous night club/restaurant. Drinks/food were great!

Ev and I in the pool...pretty cool pic with the ocean right behind us.

All of us after dinner!

Our first dinner night. We had mexican and our friends told this singing quartet that it was our honeymoon so they were singing just for us. It was so lovely actually kind of awkward but the pic. captured it all.

The main lobby...so spectacular. It was open to air so you could see the ocean as soon as you entered the lobby area through the other side of the building.

Ahoy pirates!

Our butts...it is a great pic of sunset off our balcony.

One of them got wiped out....it was fun once you got past the waves on shore, you then could just float along with them.

Everyone went swimming and one of the girls lost their glasses but they never could find them. The waves were enormous!

Evan and Mike bonding.

Evan and Mike bonding so more!

The guys

The girls enjoying a different resort we had passes too, a little more crazy than ours. Loud music, more partying.

The ocean and beach was the best part, we walked it often.

footprints in the sand.

Evan has a little captain in him! :o)

We ran/walked to some rocks nearby to see what was on the other side....more beach and resorts!

Disney cruise ship..made us miss our girlies more! I think that will be in are near future!

Another view from our room.


The 1st morning on the beach. Evan and I took a run, hardest workout of my life but the scenery was all worth it.

We quickly put our suits on and joined our friends at the pool.

We just arrived and were looking to see what kind of view we had...breathtaking!
Well I think the pics tell it all, we had a wonderful time but were so excited to hug our little girls. 6 days was a long time, we did thoughouly enjoy ourselves. We got enough sun, food, and relaxation to last us awhile and Dave and Becky did wonderful with the girls. Not once did they cry for us, they kept them entertained and updated on when we would be home. We skyped twice with them on vacation and I bought them little gifts everyday we were gone and I think it helped. We came home to beautiful weather, 70 and sunny, we couldn't be happier. Thanks you so much to Auntie and Uncle for watching them, they had a great time!
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