Monday, March 26, 2012


My little headband model...the biggest cheese yet!
Some headbands I've made....I'm now selling them at [NV] Salon in Gahanna, OH.
My other headband model...couldn't get any cuter!
My lil sassy girl!
They both loved the Easter Bunny this year!
A cotton candy cool!
We went to the Pet Expo this weekend ,the girls loved it! They were actually overstimulated because there was too much going on.

The girls and I feeding the goats!
Oh don't get wet, don't get wet!
Rain Rain go away or stay just for awhile so I can play with my umbrella. :o)
Eva fell asleep reading her book!
Sitting like her daddy!
Playdate with Kayla....hugs for Eva.
Jayden with his puppy, going for a stroll!
The girls on the couch, don't want to wake up!
We had a busy week of playdates which was definitely needed for the girls. the weather here has been gorgeous, in the 80s so summer weather has made its way out and I now need to do some shopping, yay! We went to the Pet expo this weekend and had a great time! There were dogs everywhere so you can just imagine how happy the girls were! Sunday we had dinner with Susan and Scott and the girls played with their best friends Ava and Ivy. I have spent a lot of time working on my headbands this week because I'm now selling them at a salon. I haven't yet started and am excited about the start of my little business! The girls have enjoyed the warm weather and bed times have gotten a little easier with them being so tired. Fresh air helps! Well I hope everyone else is enjoying some warm, spring weather too.

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