The stump was the highlight for the girls' weekend!
Eva was bustin a move and Ella was singing.
Again the stump...Eva was holding the puppy and Ella was running around being a firework!
The beautiful view!
The best part of camping in my view...SMORES! |
And we all loved them! |
Truckin it back from the park! |
Goin for a ride in Uncle and Aunties truck. |
They loved riding without their seats...look at Ella's hair. It was wet from was in the 90's all weekend. |
Swinging is their favorite part of the park..most times they spend the entire time in the swings.
Evan and I took a long hike Sunday morning..acutally got a little lost so it was a little longer hike then expected. It was fun to have time alone...thanks Auntie and Uncle for watching the girls and taking them to learn about snakes. |
A deer was sleeping/eating right beside the camper..we watched her for probably 2-3 hours.
Going to the pool! |
My Eva Diva! |
Yep more SMORES! Check out Eva's shoes! :o) |
You better watch out....She's got 2 guns.
Best pic of Uncle David and Eva Ever! Too cute! |
She is so stinking cute...we didn't even ask her to sit like this..just how she does it.
Ella and Underdog! |
We rented a Pontoon on Monday and had a fantastic day on the water. Thanks again Dave and Becky! |
Ella climbed down the ladder to daddy...she was a little scared. |
Eva wanted to jump so Becky helped a little. :o) |
She was a little scared too..but loved it. |
Eva looking over the edge. |
They loved to wave to the other boats

We had a short week last week since Dave and Becky stayed until Tuesday morning with us. We anticipated our camping trip all week and were ready to go after my short nap on Sat. morning. We went 3 hours south of Ohio in West Virginia. Dave and Becky were patiently waiting our arrival. It was hot but we were glad to be out of the car. The girls ran around all evening, we explored and played in the park. The next morning, Dave and Becky took the girls to a snake, learning class and Evan and I went for a hike. The rest of the day of relaxing! We had a fire everyday to cook on and make smores, even though it seemed crazy to be sitting around a fire when it was 94 out. Monday we packed up and headed to the water to rent a pontoon, we had to wait awhile for one to become available for us but were quickly on the water. It was Dave and Becky's treat and boy was it a good one. We had so much fun and it was just the perfect thing to do on such a hot day. We had a wonderful weekend with Auntie and Uncle and we all appreciated them sharing their home away from home and taking care of the girls. We love you!
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