Ella ready to go swimming in the pool!
Well here is the true test to see if I can take care of 2 little girls all by myself. Our company left on Friday and Evan and I had a nice relaxing weekend at home, trying to start a good routine for the girls. We had a great time with the family especially Uncle Jon and Aunt Alana, we don't get to see them much. We went swimming one day at the hotel and it was quite cold in the pool as well as the pool area so it wasn't as much fun as we hoped. Ella still did seem to enjoy it! My company helped me take down the Christmas decorations and tree which was a lifesaver. I'm pretty sure they would have been up all year if I didn't get their help. Thanks! We didn't do much except hang out with one another and play games when the girls went to bed. It was lots of fun! For New Years we went out to a japenese steakhouse thinking Ella would enjoy watching them cook, well she hated it and cried the whole time, she was especially frightened of the fire. I guess we will stay away from there for away. Ella is being a turd lately because she is getting more teeth so she doesn't listen and will not take naps. Let's just say it was a rough, long day home by myself. Eva is an angel and basically only cries when she is hungry. I have found that carrying her around in a snugli strapped to my chest works well for all of us. We are hanging in there and can't wait for more hours of sleep. Thanks to all my family and friends for everything you've done to help us out. We really appreciate it!
We were all trying out a new present from Grandma and Grandpa Lindahl, the smores turned out great and Ella loved them.
Ella's helping daddy deflate the air mattress. What a big help!
Uncle Jon and Aunt Alana watching cartoons with Ella
Evan, Jon, & the girls
Auntie Alana snuggling with Eva.
Ella pretending to take a nap on a pillow.
Grandpa enjoying her girls together 1 last time before he had to say goodbye.
Ella's watching Dora while everyone got ready to go out to eat.
Ella did enjoy swimming, even though it was freezing!
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